Yes, No, Maybe So? 'Mrs Harris Goes to Paris'

by Nathaniel R
Lesley Manville stars as Mrs. Harris in director Tony Fabian’s MRS.HARRIS GOES TO PARIS, a Focus Features release. Credit: Dávid Lukács / © 2021 Ada Films Ltd - Harris Squared Kft
Rejoice. We now have the first poster, the first still, and the first trailer for Mrs Harris Goes to Paris, a rare chance to see Lesley Manville take a deserved spotlight rather than just livening up a show or film from the sidelines. Focus Features is releasing the film on July 15th. Can we have a round of applause for Focus which feels like its come roaring back of late between this, Downton Abbey A New Era, Licorice Pizza, The Northman, and Belfast of late?
Let's look at the poster and the trailer after the jump...