Drag Race RuCap: "Bitch, I'm a Drag Queen!"

Ladies and gentlemen and all those in between, here is the season's Golden Boot.
NICK TAYLOR: Hi y’all! I’m so happy to be back this week, for a very special episode. We have witnessed what will surely be remembered as the most iconic runway of the season, from the slaysian diva of LA and the protagonist of all four episodes she’s starred in so far. Serena Cha Cha walked so Joella could run. Behold what she has given us.
CLÁUDIO ALVES: It feels premature to start the RuCap by mentioning the runway, but you’re so right to mention that quilted monstrosity. Joella’s rectangular slay was truly something to behold. Bound to become a meme, she stole the spotlight from Crystal Envy whose tumbleweed realness would have surely ignited social media if not for Miss J-O-E but don’t forget the ‘Ella. Girl, this was such a fun episode, the best of the season so far and it wasn’t even all due to the glory hole duvet and Miss Sommersault…