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Twins: Disney Villains x 2

Celebrating twins daily at 2:22 PM while we're in Gemini

Not all twins share the same parents. Though I suppose one could argue that Walt Disney's children are legion.

Case #1

Ursula & Medusa

If Ursula had legs and Medusa could join her crocs in the water, they could practically become a synchronized swim team.


  • One wave memorable up-dos offset by dangly earrings
  • Drag queen ready make-up
  • Explicitly bra-less bouncing boobage and slovenly bodies
  • Adores lounging about on seashell like thrones
  • Terrible at feigning niceness to young girls
  • ...but great at manipulating them into dangerous situations.
  • Two reptilian henchmen (Flotsam & Jetsam / Brutus & Nero)


Case #2

Lady Tremaine & Maleficent


  • High cheekbones, arched eyebrows, altogether angular gorgon beauty
  • Fond of the purple collar
  • Really really fussy about Royal Events and who is and is not invited to such things
  • Identical Twin voices courtesy of the same actress Eleanor Audley (pictured above)

Case #3... ??? Make it in the comments.

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Reader Comments (5)

Jafar (Aladdin) and Scar (The Lion King):
- similar facial structure, long, angular features and skinny builds (not to mention they have the same highly arched eye-brows)
- both are hell-bent on overthrowing the reigning authority, who they also have close associations with (Scar is the king's brother, Jafar is a trusted advisor)
- both have a certain flamboyance that some have interpreted as effeminate

Mother Gothel (Tangled) and The Evil Queen (Snow White):
- both are fueled by vanity
- use of magic.
That's really all I could come up with since Gothel has to keep Rapunzel alive and the Evil Queen was pretty emphatic about that whole "kill Snow White and bring me her heart" thing.

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

Jafar (Aladdin) and Scar (The Lion King):
- similar facial structure, long, angular features and skinny builds (not to mention they have the same highly arched eye-brows)
- both are hell-bent on overthrowing the reigning authority, who they also have close relationships with (Scar is the king's brother, Jafar is a trusted advisor)
- both have a certain flamboyance that some have interpreted as effeminate

Mother Gothel (Tangled) and The Evil Queen (Snow White):
- both are fueled by vanity
- use of magic
That's really all I could come up with since Gothel has to keep Rapunzel alive and the Evil Queen was pretty emphatic about the whole "kill Snow White and bring me her heart" thing.

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

Oops...sorry for posting that twice!

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

Dr. Facilier and Jafar!

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterOrpheus

I have no great ideas for Case #3... I just wanted to say: Medusa! Voiced by the awesome Geraldine Page! Yayyyyy :)

June 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTravis
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