SAG Awards Live Blog

Let's talk about you for a second...
7:11 This is the face Sarah Silverman made after hearing "Let's talk about you for a second" which is... sublimely funny, a perfect encapsulation of the faux humility #blessed of superstars attending awards shows in which they all fawn on each other. You're great. No, no, you're great.
07:14 Rami Malek doesn't know who he was wearing. Alicia Vikander says 'I've only watched this on YouTube' before. Idris Elba is working the grey in his beard. Everyone is adorable x3 is my point.
07:22 Saoirse is in light pink and Brie in baby blue and I'm not sure what to make of that.
07:25 Jesse Tyler Ferguson and E! Brad talking to each other
- "Are you a nervous nellie."
- "Yaaas"(hugs)
"-I hope I didn't get any contour on you"
This is the gayest thing I've ever seen on television. Which is saying a lot.
07:31 Nicole Kidman has arrived. [More...]
I'm in genuine disbelief that Nicole Kidman actually showed up to rep Grace of Monaco at SAG. This woman's bravery knows no bounds.
— Matthew Eng (@Eng_Matthew) January 31, 2016
07:44 Kate Winslet is being hilarious. "I look good actually!" Every line is funny. She just gave the internet like 34 gifs and 5 memes.
“Well done, me!” Kate Winslet just now. And every day, hopefully.
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) January 31, 2016
07:50 Nicole Kidman talking about you could either be a Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe person. Keith Urban announces he is a Nicole Kidman person. Awww.
08:00 At some point in the preshow Rooney Mara's happiness really alarmed me.
This just in: Rooney Mara STILL smiling post-Carol. Careful Rooney, your face will freeze like that.
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) January 31, 2016
08:06 I dont even wanna talk about the fact that I just missed the "I'm an actor" intros. Long story.
08:06 UZO ADUBA wins again for OITNB because SAG are total habit-formers like Emmys. She's great on that show but that show is so filled with greatness it's a shame that she's the only one collecting awards.
08:11 JEFFREY TAMBOR wins for Transparent. They show the clip about how much he loves women. 'I love vaginas.'
The injustice of not having Jeffrey Tambor's clip being "yaaAAASSS QUEEN!"
— Joe Reid (@joereid) January 31, 2016
Great great speech. He's so respectful to the trans community always
08:14 Christian Bale and Steve Carell announce their nomination for The Big Short with trailer clips. They both look miserable they've discovered another crisis just around the corner.
08:19 ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK takes Comedy Ensemble. They shout out to "diversity" which is kind of redundant because they're the living embodiment. They even get that it's not binary black and white. That show has and is everything. (L-O-V-E-D how Season 3 quieted down enough for that brilliant Black Cindy and Judaism arc)
08: 30 ALICIA VIKANDER wins Best Supporting Actress in a Leading Role for The Danish Girl. She's overwhelmed. Talked about watching her mother rehearse as a child. Thanks Eddie, etcetera. Probably just won the Oscar.
There's also a shot of the table and Keith Urban throws back a drink during her speech.
can we talk about how strange it is that Nicole Kidman is at the DANISH GIRL table having been attached to it for years?
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) January 31, 2016
08:31 Saoirse Ronan is on stage. Since it doesn't appear that she'll be winning lots of awards for Brooklyn, it feels like this fate is in her future. But how long from now?
08:33 IDRIS ELBA wins Best Supporting Actor. Got his SAG Card on Law & Order God, who didn't? "Ted something from Netflix whatever you name is" LOL. This is the first time (to my knowledge) that a film nominee has won without an Oscar nomination. People will read this as a F*** you to Oscar and for some random voters maybe that will be true but I think the bulk of it is that he gave a compelling performance and Ted something from Netflix has provided a way for people to watch movies far more easily than the other studios/distributors and that counts for something. Every SAG voter I know in Manhattan watches Netflix, they all tell me how far behind they are at seeing every theatrical movie.
It’s stupid how sexy IDRIS ELBA is. Stop it.
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) January 31, 2016
08:40 Great montage of clips from movies and tv about acting as a profession. Jenna Maroney "I'll do it. But only for the attention." Hee. Where are the 20 statues Jane Krakowski has earned?
08:49 QUEEN LATIFAH wins Actress in a Movie/MiniSeries for Bessie. Which we've written up a few times - read 'em. As for her speech she makes a big deal about chasing your dreams and refusing to conform, make your own box and "do you"...
I don't mean to be disrespectful but this would feel so much more authentic and inspirational if she'd ever come out of the closet. It's hard to accept Be Yourself! Don't Let Others Stop You... when you're actually letting society stop you!
09:00 IDRIS ELBA wins Actor in a Movie/Miniseries for Luther.
The two lucky SOBs going home with Idris Elba tonight.
— Joanna Robinson (@jowrotethis) January 31, 2016
09:05 A tribute to Carol Burnett...
"CAROL has been such a huge part of our lives..." Yes it has. Wait, they're talking about Ms. Burnett. She's cool too.
— [kie.ran] (@danblackroyd) January 31, 2016 Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
This is what we missed out by not having Amy and Tina host the Golden Globes this year.
— Gregory Ellwood (@TheGregoryE) January 31, 2016
... who are as funny as they always are. They get Carol (2015) confused with Carol Burnett and even roast Leonardo DiCaprio for all the 'it was so hard to make The Revenant' business. Carol Burnett would make a way funnier face after eating something disgusting like raw bison liver. This moment is grand and it makes you scratch your head that the Oscars thought it a bad idea to never have their Honorarys on air anymore.
09:30 Somewhere in here Idris & Abraham introduced the clips from Beasts of No Nation and Kevin Spacey won Best Drama Actor in a Series for that Netflix show.
09:37 The In Memoriam section is presented by Susan Sarandon and her cleavage and they all look amazing. She's always loved her boobs. As well she should.
09:45 Downton Abbey wins BEST ENSEMBLE DRAMA SERIES again. I love that show so much but no show needs to win the same prize every year.
09:50 Brie Larson takes BEST ACTRESS, ROOM.
We also learned on twitter that she wasn't joking during her Globes speech!
Brie Larson really does write thank you notes and they're lovely.
— Jenelle Riley (@jenelleriley) January 31, 2016
DiCaprio brought his vape pen as his date because he's so on trend.
Leonardo talked about the history of cinema which he definied as everything from Jimmy Cagney to Robert De Niro (WHAT RANGE we said sarcastically).
(Somehow my attention always drifts away while watching the SAG Awards. I don't know why since I love actors.)
10:04 90s superstar Demi Moore had the honor of announcing Best Ensemble and looks weirdly now. Oh, I know...
Pitch DEMI MOORE as ROONEY MARA’s mom in a Black Swan psychodrama.
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) January 31, 2016
Reader Comments (64)
Nicole unashamed.
I keep forgetting that Nicole got a nod for Grace of Monaco.
Vikander is best dressed tonight.
Kidman is brave. Unlike other performers who would be outrage embarrassed by their public embarrassments she keeps trooping along for choices. Hopefully she'll make a triumphant return soon enough. Love her. Miss her.
Someone write or let her write herself a gr8 comedy role.
Happy for the OITNB cast though Transparent and Veep would have been good winners too
Winslet was a treat today on the red carpet. And did you see her throw lowkey shade on category fraud. Something about people going "in and out of this category." I mean it's probably nothing, but I thought of you. :P
Just please, let's have some surprises tonight. Keep the game open for the Oscars, and bring some new wins for Television. Please!
I love Donna Mills', I mean Nicole's new wig.
Nat, she married Cruise, of course the girl is brave!
Ugh VEEP deserves it for best comedy ensemble.
Feel sorry for the winners that they get stuck with that large,godawful, ugly, trophy.
Ugliest trophy of the main awards.
Yay - OITNB ensemble
Ugh - category fraud wins - Alicia V. - slightly too long speech but nice dress.
Idris Elba Yessssss
UGH. It's bad enough the internet is making DiCaprio/The Revenant happen but does this Vikander bullshit have to happen too?
It is so strange that the Globes chose not to go with Vikander, right? I prefer Winslet, though
And the Oscar goes to...Sylvester Stallone.
Love Idris Elba and it's a deserved nom & win, but Netflix should have done a regular distribution - even 6 weeks wide.
Otherwise you are cutting the throats of regular distribution to movie theatres - I can see why academy members would be wary of that.
Nath, The Birdcage won Ensemble Cast and still the film wasn't nominated at the Oscars. But everything agree with Elba.
Does that mean the acting branch of the Academy are unlike their SAG brethren and do not watch Netflix? Maybe they don't know how to work the interweb.
Queen Latifah had zero competition.
I'm so so happy for Idris Elba but also why is Vikander the category fraud they're embracing.
Not interested in Alicia winning the Oscar but I forgot for ingenues Supporting Actress is a trap. Enjoy your trophy because the uphill battle to win a second Oscar in Best Actress is the most improbable feat.
@/3rtful - True. Especially in breakout years like hers where she's also being rewarded for about four other movies too.
Carol Burnett winning that award and having it presented to her by Tina & Amy - that was a perfect combination. Such a class act, and a bygone era.
I keep forgetting how hot Julianna Marguiles' husband is.
Alicia Vikander is so undeserved. I hope a better actress to win the best supporting actress at the Oscars. I will be happy with Jennifer Jason Leigh or Kate Winslet winning, because Alicia is lead and this is unfair.
Every time Viola wins another award, it slowly makes up for her Oscar loss in 2012.
Also, did it seem like Claire Danes was pouting after Viola's name was announced? Disrespectful.
Now I've got the urge to watch Carol Burnett in The Laundromat again.
/3rtful: Um...I know I'm saying this about the organization who handed a second win (and a category fraud win, at that. Ew and ew!) to Christoph Waltz for having done nothing in particular to deserve it (the performance itself is too close to Inglourious and it had been less than five years), but shouldn't we be arguing for the spreading of wealth?
Nick T: I know what you're actually trying to say, but I saw Beasts of No Nation. Sometimes (see also: Franco in Spring Breakers or Gandolfini in Enough Said), Nat's even a little too generous with what "supporting" means, because there's absolutely no way Elba is NOT co-lead.
They just showed David Canary in the In Memoriam segment. Here come the waterworks.
I guess I'm a terrible person but I keep praying that Murder gets cancelled.
I can't see how Elba is a lead in Beasts Of No Nation. Abraham Atta is the films lead the story start and ends with him and is told through his eyes
@ Peggy Sue: Bite your tongue!
@ brookesboy: Awww.
@ Rami: I know, right? (Keith Lieberthal)
If tonight's trend continues, Leo should be fearing an upset by Redmayne right about now.
Downton Abbey winning ensemble is a bit repetitive and lazy, but way to go for Mrs. Padmore (Cook) for giving an elegant speech.
Viola Davis - you go girl.
I'm team Ronan so I'm feeling disappointed at the moment, but at least Brie Larson is a worthy winner. Vikander win still feels lousy.
Every time Viola wins another award, it slowly makes up for her Oscar loss in 2012.
No. But the best news this week is Fences' is a Paramount Picture theatrical and not an HBO movie.
I guess I'm a terrible person but I keep praying that Murder gets cancelled.
Sounds like someone who doesn't watch the show. Season two is great.
I really want that Carol Burnett/Julie Andrews lesbian love story now. Someone make that happen.
Of the fifteen actors/casts I voted for (including stunts), only five won. That's normal. At least this year I'm only mildly pissed about some of the other winners.
Leo gave a nice speech, and then Spotlight wins the ensemble.
This years unpredictable race is still unpredictable as far as BP win.
To use Hockey terminology - Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling facing off in Ensemble category and McAdams wins!
I like it.
Most of my happiness for Leo this awards season is because of Kate Winslet. Just putting that out there.
shouldn't we be arguing for the spreading of wealth?
I'm not interested in this actress becoming an Oscar perennial / multi-nominee / multi-winner. It was speculated on her goals after this award season and the uphill battle she has gaining traction in the bigger category.
Are there any doubters in here who still think Larsen isn't a lock? And please don't tell me she can still lose BAFTA to Ronan because the only justification for that is "Ronan is European!" and if that were such a big deal to BAFTA voters, why isn't Charlotte Rampling nominated there? No. Larsen is winning in a clean sweep of the televised awards just like Julianne Moore and Cate Blanchett recently.
The only way I could stand Larson's Oscar win is if Mara wins too.
I hope to God that Mara wins the BAFTA, fraud be damned.
So baffled by Vikander's win and Brie's dress is just a mess.
Viola Davis and Nicole Kidman look Amazing.
The TV awards are SO boring and repetitive. And why don't they have awards for ensemble in miniseries/movie?
Are they really making the movie version of Fences?!
Also have you guys watched the youtube video where Maggie Smith teaches cockney accent to Carol Burnett by singing it out? It's heaven.
I admit Larson is a lock now. It's just baffling in a year when there are (by my count) at least 8 lead performances that are Oscar winner worthy (including Larson). She is great in the film and I like her as a celebrity so I am happy for her but I am still surprised. Mind you category fraud has helped her too as she isn't facing Vikander or Mara in her category.
Rami -- never forget! (Mr Marguiles)
Craver -- i have not seen that. sounds amazing. will try and find.
Ryan T -- i am totally going to try that on Oscar night. It will help. because if Winslet loves someone that much they can't be that bad.
Nick T -- SAG loves category fraud. or at least they dont care. but i do feel that more actors are starting to be pissed about it which is probably a good sign if it continues (apparently Diane Ladd spoke out against it recently)
@Craver yes, that carol burnett / maggie smith video is phenomenal! i watch it when i'm feeling down.
surrendering myself to the 4 locked acting categories now. le sigh.
i would looove it if there were a surprise somewhere there, though (ronan? fassbender? mara?).
I can't get over the lack of love for Steve Jobs. So he was an ass, but that cast was sensational in that film and I hope Winslet steals the Oscar.
I don't have a problem with Vikander winning in supporting. She has been good in everything she's been in. If Ronan doesn't get the BAFTA I'll be pissed. Larson doesn't need to win everything.
Can someone explain why Demi Moore gave the top award? Someone must have dropped out. With all those other wonderful actors sitting there, they couldn't get someone better?
The interview isn't uploaded yet but here's the link anyway.
Gabriel Oak -- clearly you haven't been paying attention. Every winner must win ALL AWARDS every year (sigh -- i feel you on this one. never understood it)
@peggy sue, Vikander din win at Golden Globe bcos she was nom as Lead for The Danish Girl. Poor Kate!!! she has to compete w TWO LEAD performances for the SUPP win!! an uphill battle, considering Vikander is the break-out star/it gal now AND had a much BIGGER part! lol
Leo, Larson, Stallone are all sealed, but I really hope Kate can still pull a upset & win for a TRULY supp role!!!