Once Upon a Link

• Variety Lee Pace talks about his new projects and a possible Pushing Daisies reunion
• IndieWire wait, what? Is this the 1990s again? Adriane Lyne (Fatal Attraction, Unfaithful) is making a new erotic thriller. It's called Deep Water and Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas are set to co-star
• /Film Disney animators have "huge resentment" of the new Lion King... and with good reason, too
After the jump an Academy election, Kelvin Harrison Jr, Meryl Streep screaming, and lots of fascinating thoughts on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood...
• Deadline Makeup Oscar winner Lois Burwell (Braveheart) and Casting Director David Rubin (Wild) set to face off in the next Oscar election for President. Either one would be a first Academy President from their field. Laura Dern is not planning to run, sorry gays and gals!
• MNPP Kelvin Harrison Jr (Luce) two times
• Out Julianne Hough says she's not straight. But she's married to a man and doesn't specify what she is. Hmmm...
• /Film restored teaser to the original Spider-Man (2002) featuring the twin towers -- I remember this happening so well.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood mania
• BuzzFeed beautiful measured piece from Alison Willmore about the controversies surrounding Tarantino's onscreen women
• Screen Crush you can watch the movie at the same theater that Sharon Tate visits within the movie
• Filmmaker Magazine a fun interview with Arianne Phillips about her costumes for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
• ASC Magazine interviews Robert Richardson on the cinematography of Once Upon a Time ...Hilariously, despite three Oscar wins, he doesn't think he's a very talented DP
• The Atlantic a fascinating take on the movie from Caitlin Flanagan who points out -- and it's important contextually in the essay -- that she is from the same generation as Taraninto. I noticed this article was upsetting a lot of people on Twitter so I read it. The sentences that people are definitely up in arms about (Manson's "empowered women") are 100% satirical. But people have currently (and have always had) problems understanding satire.
• Vulture All the movies and TV shows referenced in the dense movie -- I noticed some of these but not all of 'em.
Stage (and a little screen)
• Playbill the 10 most-produced plays and musical from high school drama departments currently -- it's a pretty depressing list (the musical portion that is) apart from Into the Woods and Little Shop of Horrors.
• Variety Almost Famous (2000) is getting the stage musical treatment in London and has just announced its cast. Casey Likes who will play the lead is making his stage debut at just 17 years of age.
• Playbill Six is coming to Broadway - it's a pop concert style musical about Henry VIII's wives. So we FINALLY have an original score musical coming this season (you'll remember that we were lamenting how dire the season is looking with less "original" new musicals than we've literally ever seen in our 19 years in NYC.)
Today's Listen
King Princess converted Streep's Big Little Lies scream into a dance track! Meryl is the queen of all cultures
Reader Comments (29)
"Ben Affleck erotic thriller" is a fresh new hell that I never could have imagined for myself.
Once Upon a Time is really bugging me, and it's been a long time since that has happened. While I was watching it I was mostly irritated and constantly doing mental eyerolls (Oh God, not another cue to "It's 1969, it's 1969, it's 1969, dammit!". But ever since, it's only the pleasurable aspects that remain in my mind, and it keeps getting better and better in my memory. I know the foot-fetish stuff and the ultraviolence will never go down well with me, but I can't wait for my next viewing!
Joe K - my god, that same summary meant that the film shot to No.1 on my Most Anticipated list... it's been too long since we got a good erotic thriller... PLEASE let Sharon Stone have a supporting role...
hela filmen i HD: http://tubeplus.pro
hela filmen i HD: http://tubeplus.pro
Laura Dern was running as Renata or as herself?
Wonder if Lyne will bring back window panes with water running down them.
How many selves does one person need,whatever Julianne's talking about I don't understand it.
Justice for the Erotic Thriller!!!!! --- miss them so much :(
Kermit- Brilliant idea for Sharon Stone!
Only humourless sorts are finding fault with OUATIA, as far as I can tell. Can we not just have an original film come out and not be inundated with boring hot takes from people born in 2002? Save all that for the Marvel crap.
Yes Luke, to hell with film criticism and any analytical discussions. We should all mindlessly love every auteur's work.
Lee Pace always sounds uncomfortable still when identifying as queer.
Max - if more of the Tarantino hot takes actually took the form of film criticism or analytical discussion, I may agree with you. Too often they are hot air nonsense pieces written by people who freely admit to having seen anywhere between 1-3 of his other films.
Thanks for highlighting the Mary-Luiz track. I love it.
Oy, that list of high school musicals.
finally a real contender for the song of summer from King Princess
Yes we do need a good erotic thriller now!
Do people outside of film twitter/blogs even care about once upon a time in hollywood? I have not heard one single person in my day to day life talk about it all. And when I brought it up to a group of people not one person had even heard of it.
Totally agree the Tarantino film is a non-event. Big opening but it's too long and average.
The problem with most musicals and plays reproducible for HS students is the lack of characters, particularly female characters, or the subject matter is still too controversial for average school boards (e.g. Spring Awakening, Dear Evan Hansen, Fun Home). However, I’ve seen fantastic recent productions of Godspell, Seussical, and Pippin, at my town’s HS.
But kids don’t want tired Rodgers and Hammerstein anymore. They want Pasek & Paul, Parker & Stone & Lopez, or Miranda, or Sara Barreilles.
OT: Georgia has selected "Shindisi" as the film that will represent them at the Oscars for Best International Film.
John -- well, it made a lot of money on opening weekend. I always find these revelations odd about "mainstream america" how have so many people not heard of mainstream things? This one stars Leo and Brad, two of the most famous movie stars in the world and it's a wide release. How have people NOT heard about it?
Gay, straight, doesnt matter why the hell is Julianne Hough a thing?
ken s -- i had the same reaction to Once Upon a Time... but that's kind of always my reaction to Tarantino. There's a lot of stuff in his movies I could do without but the peaks are so high that they linger.
I too can't wait to see Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood again. As well as the blissfully enjoyable moments, scenenes and sequences, there's the shapeliness and cleverness of the screenplay structure - always a plus in Tarantino. He really is a wonderful writer-director - always in control of his material, whatever one thinks of it.
It’s strange but true. Despite its big opening weekend no one seems to care about the movie. I keep trying to talk to people about it and I only get silence and confusion. Perhaps general audiences only care about movies with superheroes in them now....
It's already down over 50%. I think Q is no longer the event he once was, plus Brad and Leo are over 50 and seem like it. I cant' stop thinking about Meryl as Joan Fontaine. Brilliant.
Faye -- many movies fall 50%or so the second weekend. No biggie.
Leo isn't over 50! He's 44!