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Doc Corner: From the Short List - 'The Distant Barking of Dogs' and 'Communion'

By Glenn Dunks

The Academy’s documentary shortlist often throws up a few left of field choices – titles that really do earn their primary flutter of American attention simply by being chosen among the 15-wide selection. A 2018 rule change for the category no doubt helped two such films from Europe, austere portraits of youth that are among the shortlist’s most accomplished albeit small scale choices.

The Distant Barking of Dogs was the most unexpected addition this year and was for me the title that I was most happiest to see. It is, after all, the best work of contemporary non-fiction that I saw all year (give or take a Yours in Sisterhood, which will hopefully appear on next year’s eligibility). It is a film that took me completely by surprise when I used it to fill a vacant morning slot at the Sydney Film Festival in May of last year thinking if nothing else I could at least nap. Lo and behold, this remarkable film from the rural warzone of Ukraine has lingered with me longer than probably any other documentary of 2018...

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Soundtracking: Dumplin'

by Chris Feil

Much to our surprise when Dumplin’ arrived on Netflix last month, the film is stealthily a Dolly Parton jukebox musical. The heartwarming film is a collection of Dolly songs old, new, and (crucially) reimagined, shot straight out of the heart of its heroine. Add in a few appearances by drag queens, and the film is the kind of unassumingly big-hearted self-love anthem to make the music legend proud.

And its no mere cashing in on a famous songbook either - Dolly’s music anchors the emotional backbone of the film...

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Team Experience Globe Fun: Fav Speeches + Maya & Amy's Nuptials

It's our final Golden Globes in review post. That was exhausting. As is our habit each big awards show, because TFE writers and podcasters are never all in the same room at the same time, we've collected the group's responses for you. Because we love the Globes even when we hate them (like we did Sunday night) we have a lot to say so this is for you die-hards who can't get enough. If you're already tired of the Globes look away look away there's plenty more to see here if you start clicking around.

We were going to talk about worst winners but we don't want to be negative for the wrap-up so I'll just share what Nick wrote in response to "Which win made you angriest?"

I don't know, which is worse, strychnine or anthrax? I refer, of course, to the two "Best" "Picture" "winners." There aren't enough scare quotes in the world, really.

Hee !!! We were co-miserating by text that night

Anyway, here are 5 fun questions that we hope you'll answer in the comments. Our answers are after the jump...

  1. Which win made you happiest?
  2. Who will you volunteer to comfort about their loss?
  3. Which was your favourite speech?
  4. Which table did you fantasize about sitting at?
  5. What would you like your role to be at Maya Rudolph & Amy Poehler's 'wedding'? 

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BAFTA's Oscar Predictions... er, Nominations. BAFTA's Nominations!

by Nathaniel R

The BAFTA nominations are in and, what do you know? There is no difference whatsoever in which 8 or 9 films each awards group watches each year! One longs for a utopia where each major organization longs to shout their own identity out to the world (in some ways we are what we love) rather than just predict the Oscars but in our current dystopia, people in the industry -- no matter which country they live in! -- only watch 9 movies a year before voting. 

Here are the nominees with commentary...

Best film

  • BlackkKlansman
  • The Favourite
  • Green Book
  • Roma
  • A Star Is Born

In the bygone years of five nominations only for Best Picture at the Oscars the race looks like it would be down to 7 films now, these 5 above as well as Black Panther and (ugh) Vice. In fact, having 7 nominees only at Oscar this year wouldn't surprise us at all given how dominant those 7 films appear to be. It makes sense that Panther and Vice would be the two to fall out with BAFTA since they're surely more resonant in America...

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Globe Fashions Pt 2: Regal Queen, Colman's Bitches, and Daring Men

In part one of our fashion review, we marvelled at Julia Roberts pants, while wondering what mischief Melissa McCarthy was up to. We also loved the Wakanda women and Nicole Kidman (which probably goes without saying at this point). Shockingly Lady Gaga underwhelmed and Amy Adams seemed to have inside knowledge about her impending double loss. Here's part two!

Penélope & Patty

NATHANIEL:  Let's talk Patricia Clarkson

MURTADA:  So much drama! I loved the pink strands that showed as she moved. 

NATHANIEL: It was subtle but like a flash of mystery under the danger of the red. I was gaga for it... sorry Gaga...

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