Happy 50th, Ewan McGregor, an Eternal Sexpot!

Heartthrob Ewan McGregor hasn't aged a day, even as he turns 50 today.Everyone remembers their first movie star crush. Ewan McGregor wasn’t my first love, but certainly was an early obsession. Today on his fiftieth birthday, we celebrate a movie star who still hasn’t lost his good looks, effervescent glow and boundless energy.
Ewan McGregor was born on March 31st, 1971 in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland. In his nearly three decades of work as an actor, McGregor has been a swoon-worthy leading man, a Jedi, and, most importantly, a juicy snack. His performances have sparked the sexual awakening of so many millennial gay men and women, including yours truly. It helps when he either sings or gets naked in every one of his movies. He can do anything (except get that Oscar nomination that has eluded him for so long). True stars only get better with age, and Ewan is no exception. After the jump some of the thirstiest Ewan McGregor moments (NSFW)...