Box Office Bounty For Thanksgiving

Buoyed by Twilight & 007 fanaticism, an abundance of newish Oscar contenders, and even a dusty remake for the crowd that doesn't care about Twilight or the Oscars or, you know, quality, there was something for everyone this Thanksgiving weekend! Moviegoers came out in droves for the biggest Thanksgiving at the movies ever.
So it's an extra long box office list today.
Box Office Top Twenty - Actuals
01 THE TWILIGHT SAGA FINALLY ENDS $43.6 (cum $227.3)
02 SKYFALL $35.5 (cum. $221.1) Review & Deborah's Review
03 LINCOLN $25.6 (cum. $62.8) Podcast Discussion
04 RISE OF THE GUARDIANS $23.7 *NEW* (cum $32.3) Capsule Review
05 THE LIFE OF PI $22.4 *NEW* (cum. $30.5)
06 WRECK-IT RALPH $16.5 (cum. $149.2)
07 RED DAWN $14.2 *NEW* (cum. $21.6)
08 FLIGHT $8.4 (cum $74.7) Review
09 SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK $4.3 (cum $6.2) Beau's Review
10 ARGO $3.8 (cum $98)
11 TAKEN 2 $.9 (cum. $136.4)
12 ANNA KARENINA $.8 (cum. $1.5) Capsule Review
13 PITCH PERFECT $.7 (cum. $62.5) Capsule Review
14 THE SESSIONS $.7 (cum $3.9) Review
15 JAB TAK HAI JAAN $.5 (cum. $3)
16 HERE COMES THE BOOM $.5 (cum. $42)
17 CLOUD ATLAS $.4 (cum $25.7)
18 THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER $.3 (cum $16.3) Capsule Review
19 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA $.3 (cum $143.5)
20 LOOPER $.3 (cum. $65.5) Review
So many decisions this Thanksgiving. Alexei or Vronsky? Pumpkin or Pecan?
What did you see this weekend? If it's Here Comes The Boom, Red Dawn or Taken 2 eight weeks into its run please spend some time in the corner thinking about your life choices. If it was Hitchcock (just outside this list) my review is here but really I have to confess that I'm so deeply ashamed of it because JA wrote the most brilliant possible review anyone could have ever written about it. For real - read it!