Review: M. Night Shyamalan's "Trap" is a B-Movie and there is No Shame in that

Over the past 25 years, M. Night Shyamalan has built his reputation on twisty tales that sting with some nasty surprise before the end credits roll. Depending on the picture and the public's willingness to accept the director's oddities, his strategy has resulted in a handful of triumphs, a slew of mediocrities, and a couple of outright disasters. Going into Trap, one expects much of the same, but, in the biggest twist of all, Shyamalan has presented his audience with a fairly straightforward affair. The premise is simple, if ludicrous, the tone is sincere, and, for once, you feel the filmmaker's focus on entertaining rather than pulling the rug from under the viewer. M. Night Shyamalan's Trap is a B-movie that makes no apology about its ambitions or lack thereof…