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Method Linking

The Matinee on the trouble with "classics" and drawing timelines in the sand
Kenneth in the (212) the Mommie Dearest mansion is on the market
The Stake on why blockbuster franchises are all boring now. Even the good ones
National Post pop culture power rankings best and worst in method acting from Daniel Day Lewis to Jared Leto
Uproxx movies have sucked this summer - well, the big ones have. Lots of goodies in limited release 

MNPP * NSFW* Orlando Bloom made the internet all sweaty with his nude paddleboarding adventure 
MNPP I love the "Siri Says" series Jason does. She picks a number, he delivers his favorite films from that year. 
Variety Maya Rudolph to co-star in Melissa McCarthy's Life of the Party (2018)
The Tracking Board Hollywood is planning to remake Mexico's Miss Bala (sigh). Good luck finding a lead to match Stephanie Sigman in the 2011 original
Coming Soon Angelina Jolie has opted not to take the lead role in Murder on the Orient Express. Charlize Theron is the new possibility. And ICYMI...
TFE... we held a Cast This about the other roles in that remake recently.
Film Stage new Antonio Banderas movie is coming called Finding Altamira. I hadn't heard of this but it's directed by Hugh Hudson who I've suddenly realized is still alive. He hasn't made a movie in 16 years. I was just watching his Greystoke movie the other day
AV Club Antonio Sabato Jr hilarious thinks his career is over because of his support of Trump. Oh babe, it's been over for a long time. That's like blaming Obama for the death of Captain Khan who died four years before he was in offic-- oh wait.
Esquire In case you had forgotten that Clint Eastwood is an old guard conservative/misogynist, they have a new interview he does in tandem with his son Scott in which he uses "pussy" as a pejorative, disses Hillary and Obama, and tries that old chestnust "both sides" argument about Trump's behavior. Nope. Sorry Clint. Only one party tries to motivate voters with bigotry. (He also talks movies and at least he loves Sunset Blvd so he's not 100% a terrible person.)
Women and Hollywood Ava Duvernay to become the first black woman to helm a $100 million budgeted film with A Wrinkle in Time - this is news because she's quite successful already and men with a lot less success have been handed blockbuster budgets often. Crossing our fingers that it's a financial and artistic success! 

Dunkirk Teaser
Here's the very quick new tease for Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk which seems certain to net him that Best Director nomination that's eluded him so long if it's any good at all, it being a WW II movie and him being "overdue" and such. And he knows how to direct spectacle films after all.

Off Cinema
Buzz Feed "every time President Obama lost his chill around kids" if you need something adorable to look at
The Guardian Leonardo DiCaprio is "with her". He's hosting a $33,400 a plate fundraiser
The Daily Good Yes the media does play favorites in politics, but as this study shows, it isn't the people complaining about it who are getting the unfavorable treatment 

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Reader Comments (26)

Eastwood also said Hillary had "a tough voice to listen to for four years." Uh, if we survived the completely annoying nasal whines of the Bush boys for 12 years, you can survive listening to a female for the next 8 years.

I don't understand why anyone ever thought Suicide Squad would be good. To me it always looked really, really terrible, as in you-couldn't-pay-me-enough-to-see-this terrible.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

Suzanne -- i had the same reaction. every time i saw some promos i'm like "these do not denote quality... just busy advertising with charismatic actors"

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

That's just an awful thing to say.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermark

"Antonio Sabato Jr hilarious thinks his career is over because of his support of Trump. Oh babe, it's been over for a long time. That's like blaming Obama for the death of Captain Khan who died four years before he was in offic-- oh wait." - this made me cackle out loud into my coffee.

And the Ava Duvernay news is fantastic. I didn't even realize that no lady director of colour has been given that large a budget to work with before. Respect to her and may this open some minds, doors, and wallets.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterWayne B.

Censorship. Never complain about it when it happens to a movie.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtful

I used to say I love Clint Eastwood. Now I say I love a lot of his movies.

Learned to do the same with Polanski. A friend told me some time ago: why do you love a director who makes a movie about an old man who rapes his daughter and then his daughter/granddaughter, and years later he rapes himself a 13yo?

It's perfect. I still love Polanski's movies, too, but we surely have to separate the person and his art.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

Jared Leto is THE WORST!

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBD

I nearly fell off my office chair laughing ( out loud ) on your Sabata, Jr. remark!

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterrick

Can we start the campaign for Kristen Scott Thomas to do Murder on the Orient Express now?

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered Commentertom

We need to stop confusing method acting with self-aggrandizement by self-aggrandizing assholes who pretend their preening is for the sake of their "art." Half of the time, despite all of that effort, their performances are still only adequate at best.

I never thought about Orlando Bloom sexually until I saw those pictures yesterday. I might need a moment...

Tell ya what, Clint. When straight white men endure centuries of government-sanctioned, society-approved oppression at the hands of gays, blacks, and women, maybe -- just maybe -- we'll seek your opinion regarding "political correctness" run amok. Until then, take your "I can't be an open bigot without everyone calling me an asshole" whining and shove it up your ass.

Though I want to be through-the-roof ecstatic for Ava Duvernay, the cynic in me can't help but think that she's being used as a clinical trial of sorts.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTroy H.

Clint is a huge asshole, but it's always puzzled me how his deeply gross worldview doesn't really bleed into his movies outside of maybe a few mildly racist scenes in Gran Torino. Even Sniper was nowhere near as toxic as you'd expect when you hear that a Republican is directing a movie about Kyle.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAR

Jared Leto is not an idiot and I believe he has some talent. He is definitely extremely into being famous and there is constantly a look of determination in his eyes. He's just terribly misguided about his whole method acting advertizing. He definitely does not deliver to the level of his presumed manufactured eccentricity and he winds up looking like a buffoon. Gosh he is annoying.
Who gives these young actors advice about managing the celebrity?

I struggled through the Clint Eastwood article. I thought it was fascinating and ironic to see someone who had that type career and endurance and pull be that clueless about the world. He doesn't let the old man in but speaks like a complete fossil. There is so much to think about with that piece. The article is a complete bait for him and he winds up looking terrible. Plus his relationship with his son is obviously non-existent. They talk like they met right before the writer started taking notes. It would have been nice to see snaps of Scott's face while his father was making the comments.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTony T


That's because he's not a Republican, he's a libertarian. That empty chair speech at the GOP convention has convinced people he's Republican.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered Commentertonytr

That teaser for Dunkirk looks amazing. Nolan defintely suffers from the "cold" aesthetic that has plagued directors in reecent years, but his movies are always interesting to look at; I'm looking forward to it.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMDA

So, if the Academy loves Eastwood, can we assume AMPAS has way more similarly misogynistic, conservative pricks we don't know about? No wonder CAROL got shut out in Picture and Director.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBVR

Did you see what Delta Airlines did to Carol??

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

Antonio Sabato Jr.... the last time I saw him was in an episode of Wife Swap where he had a girlfriend and had to swap her for the wife of WWE legend Mick Foley aka Mankind aka Dude Love aka Cactus Jack. Foley was so fucking awesome and so entertaining and is just a genuine cool dude with a very attractive wife and a fuckin' hot daughter as well as some cool kids who know more about wrestling than Vince and HHH. Foley made Sabato look like a chump.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

STOP linking/discussing politics.

1) It does not suit you
2) It is not why I come to this site and
3) You just come across as the fool

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnonny

anonny -- i will continue to do as i please. sorry/not sorry.

ryan -- i just heard! shameful.

troy -- i feel you. i sometimes fear things like that but so far she's done great work so i am hopeful she continues to have success.

August 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Anonny, I have never understood those who ask film people (actors, directors, critics,etc) to stick to film and leave politics aside. It's absurd. Film is imbued with politics. Film is a way to capture different political idiosyncrasies and allow reflection and critical thinking upon them.

What a fool you are. What a fool. Now, please go and revel in your echochamber of choice.

August 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJones

Jones, pretty easy to understand my position if you take one second to think about it.

For example, say you go to the movie theater to see Suicide Squad, and then there is a 20 minute commercial for Trump that is bashing Clinton. That is not why you went to the theater to begin with; it is inappropriate. Now if the director wants to tweet about politics; whatever, let them.

Also, this site is incredibly pro-Clinton; which given the incredible amount of evidence on her corruption/deception (which is getting bigger and bigger every month to the point that it is undeniable at this point) is incredibly one-sided and naive. It's like these people live in a bubble, talking to people that think exactly like them, reading sites that believe exactly what they do and they just stick their heads in the sand and don't even stop to think for themselves. It's stupidity really and I'd say the same exact thing if Nathaniel was regularly praising Trump on here.

August 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnonny

Nathaniel R - whoa! i'm so sorry that you have to deal with some very rude comments, but as usual, you handle it with class & distinction.
"i will continue to do as i please. sorry/not sorry." - Yes, please. Bravo.

August 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterWayne B.

Because I feel about WW2 movies what some people feel about superheroes films (too many/fatigue), I wasn't too excited when Nolan decided he wanted to do Dunkirk as his next film (even though I'm a huge fan of his). However, this announcement trailer has completely changed my mind. The visuals look great and I'm hoping the story follows suit.

I was expecting Suicide Squad to be more in line with Deadpool in terms of quality - entertaining in parts but mostly forgettable - but clearly those reviews are saying something different. I'll still see it because... you know, free will -- but DC/WB really needs to get its act together if they want to compete with Marvel.

In terms of the article about summer blockbusters; I think it's a decent argument but I don't fully buy it. While I think the lack of death takes a little away from the stakes, I just don't think life and death stakes are the end-all-be-all of these things. Sometimes just having these character's resolves tested or what emotional challenge they face is enough. I didn't sit there disappointed/disengaged by Civil War because I knew no one was gonna die. I was engaged by what the characters did because of the situation they're in and how it changed/warped them and their relationships.

Lastly, like Nat, I hope DuVernay has a great artistic and commercial success with A Wrinkle In Time. She's a talented filmmaker and she certainly deserves the opportunity. I just hope that this is more of the studio wanting to give an artist a legitimate shot then the litmus test scenario that Troy suggested.

August 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDaniel Armour

And in other news: Switzerland is the first country to choose the representative for the 2017 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
This is "My Life as a Courgette" an animated movie. (variety.com/2016/film/global/switzerland-claude-barras-my-life-as-a-courgette-foreign-languageoscarrace-1201831359/)
One of my favorite times of the year when countries choose their movies represent them.

August 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHarmodio

Anonny-- you do recognize that out of one side of your mouth you're blathering on about sticking your head in the sand and not wanting to be confronted with opinions you don't agree with while out of the other side you're accusing others of doing what you are doing , right? This is just like a meta commentary on obnoxiousness or something? Well done, anyway.

Thank for the linkage, Nat! That nasty ok' corrupt Hillary won't keep us down!

August 7, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJason

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