Oscar History
Film Bitch History

The Film Experience™ was created by Nathaniel R. All material herein is written by our team. (This site is not for profit but for an expression of love for cinema & adjacent artforms.)

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What'cha Looking For?

ACS: Gianni Versace: "Descent"

by Jorge Molina

For the first time in a month's worth of episodes about his victims, American Crime Story returns to an Andrew-centric episode. We're going further back into the narrative, to the events and actions that led to his string of murders.  And as it has been teased all throughout the series, all it takes for a delusional man whose entire identity is built on a bubble of lies to break down, is to pop that bubble...

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Film Bitch Awards Pt 2 - The Four Acting Categories

by Nathaniel R

Frances, Jamie, and Saoirse got the call. They're 3 of the 20 nominees.

The Oscar correlative Film Bitch Award nominations are now complete with the addition of all four acting categories. There's very little Oscar correlation this time with the exception of Best Actress. Hope you enjoy! Extra "fun" categories coming soon.

Part 1 - Film, Director, Picture
Part 2 - Acting Categories 
Part 3 - Visuals
Part 4 - Music and Sound (and Nomination Totals)

...and in case you missed it, the top ten list write-up.



Film Bitch Awards Pt 1 - Oscar Correlative Crafts

by Nathaniel R

Had hoped to meter these out as we usually do but time ran out and here we are at Oscar weekend. So herewith the Film Bitch nominations in all the Oscar correlative categories (plus one as we have two "Score" categories since there are largely two types used for movies these days). The acting categories are the only thing not completed yet but they'll hopefully be up tonight. Blade Runner 2049 and Get Out are the leaders thus far with 6 and 5 nominations respectively.

Part 1 - Film, Director, Picture
Part 2 - Acting TBA
Part 3 - Visuals
Part 4 - Music and Sound 

...and in case you missed it, the top ten list write-up.



Dress You Up in Oscar's Love

Chris here, with a moment of cuteness as you fret over your final Oscar predictions. For the past few years, artist Olly Gibbs has been adorably dressing up Oscar in the outfits of the Best Picture nominees. This year he has presented his most instantly recognizable lineup of characters with details built for maximum squee (you can see them all up close here). My favorite details here belong to Lady Bird (the Body of Christ wafers!), but which of Olly's Oscars is your favorite


Blueprints: "Lady Bird"

Jorge's screenplay column hits its last Oscar mark for the season.

Lady Bird is less of a through-line narrative, as it is a collection of moments; a montage through the senior year of Christine “Lady bird” McPherson, and the small days and in-betweens that made it memorable. Through this collage, we are able to grasp at thematic links that run in her life, at the emotional truths she has to learn, and at the pain of watching her leave the nest.

No thread runs harder through the film than Lady Bird’s contentious relationship with her mother Marion. It’s no coincidence that the very first sequence of the film revolves around their dynamic. So let’s see how Greta Gerwig managed to infuse the emotional thesis of her film, as well as display years’ worth of a relationship in barely the first three pages of the script...

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