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25 Best Performances By People Whose...

One thing I forgot to mention about that issue of W magazine that Rooney Mara / Dragon Tatoo covers (discussed yesterday) is that it also contains an article called "25 Best Performances of the Year". Some though not all of the 25 are online now including: Julianne Moore, Michael Douglas, Jeff Bridges, Nicole Kidman, Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake... In other words "25 Best Performances By People Whose Names Move Magazines Off The Shelves" but that title just seems so... honest. 

We can't have that during awards season!

How great is the photo of Helena Bonham-Carter? I'm dying!

AFTER THE JUMP my 4 other favorite photos from an incredible W shoot by Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. It's enough to make me want to buy a hard copy and I never do that anymore.

Click to read more ...


Geoffrey Rush Post-"Speech"

...as in post The King's Speech not post-acceptance speech.

Until we saw Christian Bale's appropriately showy work in The Fighter -- you thought local celebrity crack addicts were wallflowers? --  we thought Geoffrey Rush's less-showy-than-expected eccentricity in The King's Speech would net him a second Oscar [Supporting Actor Category... though they're both arguably co-leads]. And why not? The man is a veritable magnet for gold (he ought to hire out as a metal detector) and, as such, is already a Triple Crowner (Oscar: Shine; Tony: Exit the King; Emmy: The Life and Death of Peter Sellers).

So what's next? Another showy eccentric on stage!

Diary of a Mad Man starring Geoffrey Rush

One assumes they'll be a couple of dark days 'round the Oscars so that Rush can attend but he'll spend Feb 11th to March 12th on stage at BAM in Brooklyn in Nikolai Gogol's Diary of a Mad Man. It's not a Quills remake no but, you know how those theatrical mad men do all kinda bleed together in still photos.

More photos at Playbill


Editor's Guild & Visual Effects Society

The seaon barrels forward waiting for no man! ACE (American Cinema Editors) have announced their nominees and it's the talented cutters who worked on Best Picture hopefuls. Like Pamela Martin here, who so beautifully responded to David O. Russell's squirrely rhythms and caught indelible acting moments with precision.

Pamela Martin at work on The Fighter

Editing (Dramatic)

  • Tariq Anwar for The King's Speech
  • Pamela Martin for The Fighter
  • Lee Smith for Inception
  • Angus Wall & Kirk Baxter for The Social Network
  • Andrew Weisblum for Black Swan

The snubs of note here, in terms of the Oscar race -- which is a different discussion than pure category worth since each awards season reminds us that Hollywood only makes ten movies each calendar year and they're brilliant in ALL categories -- are 127 Hours and True Grit. This is especially bad news for 127 Hours since Danny Boyle's films are nothing if not edited if you know what I mean. One could immediately assume that it's going to fall from the Best Picture list but then Winter's Bone hasn't scored with any guilds so... who knows? Both have obsessed fans and thus #1 votes. So maybe it'll be The Town that can't rally or something we assume is safe that isn't? True Grit? I'm still worried about The Kids Are All Right but that's probably just because it's so high up my own top ten list.

More Editing honors to come. ACE, like many guilds, has several categories including Comedy (a far worthier list than the Globes came up with). So there's a few more to cover. Plus: Visual Effects.

Click to read more ...


Best of 2010: Nathaniel's Top Ten List

Previously on "Best of the Year"
Honorable Mentions: Scott Pilgrim, Another Year, Winter's Bone, etcetera
Runners Up: A Prophet, Toy Story 3, Rabbit Hole


10 How to Train Your Dragon (see previous article)
09 The Ghost Writer (see previous article)
08 Fish Tank (see previous article)

Animal Kingdom dir. David Michôd.
[SPC, August 15th]
It begins with a banal static shot of a mother & son watching a game show, all zoned out like couch potatoes. A few seconds later paramedics arrive. Surprise, you've been staring at a dead woman! This is but the first of many chilling upheavals (and, uh, dead bodies). Her orphaned son "J" is soon picked up by his estranged Grandma (Jacki Weaver in an Oscar worthy performances) and dropped right into her lion's den; his uncles are all crooks. Animal Kingdom circles around introducing this testosterone-heavy crime family and then it makes like a boa constrictor. It may be the family that's getting squeezed but you have to remind yourself to breathe. It's the year's best crime drama and a major arrival for first timer writer/director David Michôd.

The Fighter dir. David O. Russell
[Paramount, Dec 17th]
Springing as it does from the extremely tired sports bio, this movie is a real miracle. It's tough to single out a favorite moment or element because it's "squirrely" humanity keeps popping into frame even within standard tropes and traditional scenes. Christian Bale and Melissa Leo and Christian Bale are a perfect exhaustive mother and son but Mark Wahlberg and Amy Adams quieter work as Mickey and Charlene resonates, too. David O. Russell is the movie's MVP. He's not brawling or slugging it out as many directors do. Like Mickey he's picking his punches... "Head. Body. Head. Body". He's an even craftier boxer. You never know where the next punch is landing "Head. Body. Funnybone. Heart".

The rest is in alpha order. 

"No rankings?" you scream in disbelief and protest? See, it's like this. It's late at night and I'm way tired and I kept changing the order and I finally gave up. But I gotta announce my personal Best Picture nominees.  You don't wanna know medals already, do you? (Don't answer that.) We've just begun our annual awardage.


Black Swan dir. Darren Aronofsky
[Fox Searchlight, Dec 5th]
"It's so pink. Pretttttty" Nina (Natalie Portman) says peering down at a grapefruit. What is it with Aronofsky and grapefruit? (See also: Requiem for a Dream). Nina is in some ways a silly girl, terrified of her own shadow, grossed out by sex, at odds with her body, still living in her mother's apartment.  Black Swan is silly and girlie itself, in love with its most histrionic moments, its mad crushes, and always eager to peer over but then retreat from the precipice [Spoiler] until the actual adult moment arrives when Nina dances the Black Swan. So what to make of artistic triumph being a literal fall if not, perhaps, a literal death? [/Spoiler] It's odd that Aronofsky's fifth feature feels so juvenile after his most adult (The Wrestler) but he's clearly having a ball. Nina's not the only one seeing reflections. This is Aronofsky's own funhouse hall of mirrors.


Blue Valentine dir. Derek Cianfrance
[Weinstein Co., Dec 29th]
Hundreds of stories announce their resolution straightaway and use the 'How did we get here?' hook as they circle back to kick off the story. Blue Valentine doesn't do this exactly, but you can soon compare and contrast the start and finish line. The film shows us the courtship and the breakup of Cindy (Michelle Williams) and Dean (Ryan Gosling) simultaneously on linear tracks. Cindy and Dean are out of sync even in their happiest moments but the actors are brilliantly in sync. The genius of the telling is not, I think, in how it starts or how it ends but in all the tiny details that point you towards that vacuum in the middle. Notice the gap. As for the film's own middle? Perfection. Shortly after we've seen that Cindy don't wanna dance with Dean no more ("You and Me") she happily dances for him ("You Always Hurt The Ones You Love"). The songs are in the wrong order.

The Kids Are All Right dir. Lisa Cholodenko
[Focus, July 30th]
This dramedy is so effervescent that its easy to miss the depth and the detail as you're laughing. Though it's light on its feet, Kids is grounded in multi-dimensional characters, smart specific dialogue and structural beauty, too. It takes place in that wonderfully vital summer between adolescence and adulthood and so does the movie, toggling between the two as Joni and Laser (Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson) cope with growing up and their moms (Julianne Moore and Annette Bening) cope with marital trouble and Paul, the new man in all their lives (an exceptional Mark Ruffalo). Paul himself is caught between adolescence and adulthood albeit in a different way. The family expands and constricts and expands and constricts as all families do, experimenting with their own dynamics as life rolls on. Paul may be an interloper but then, so are we. We're just happy to have shared our summer with them.


I Am Love dir. Luca Guadagnino
[Magnolia, June 18th]
In I Am Love, a ravishingly operatic melodrama, Tilda Swinton, that prized jewel of the movies plays Emma, the prized jewel of a wealthy Italian family. The storytelling is in the images and oh, what images. (I Am Cinema would be an appropriate alternate title.) In fact, the film might reveal itself more readily without the subtitles. The secret key to its divisive ending (if you ask me, she's not being punished as some angry readings go) is to notice that it's not just her husband who wants her locked up. Even her beloved servant cocoons her with curtains, shutting out the world. Her son, too. She's never to be lost or shared or stolen or even changed. Whenever Emma escapes, there's sudden rushes of feeling, sunlight, flavor, curiousity, beauty.


The Social Network dir. David Fincher
[Columbia, October 1st]
Not many movies feel like new classics while you're watching them. And as early as the first scene, too. Most need time to settle. Not so with The Social Network which just speeds through, all synapses firing with rich performances (Jesse's best) inspired direction (Fincher's best) and handsome production values (many people's best?), until... "wait, it's over?" When that ending comes (spoilers: Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook, got sued, is a gajillionaire) you want to click "refresh" yourself. Project that bad boy again! Here's why I know it's a new classic: second viewing, ending comes "wait, it's over? Refresh!"; third viewing, ending comes "wait, it's over? Refresh!"; Fourth viewing, ending comes "wait, it's over? Refresh!"



Red Carpet NBR

When The Beautiful People start collecting awards it's... heaven. It's only later when the same people have collected dozens of the same titles that we start getting bored. "And the Winner Is... The Most Recent Winner!"

"Mattie Ross", Michelle, Coppola Jr and Lesley Manville

Jessica Lange, Mrs Ben Affleck, Blake Lively




From the looks of the NBR evening -- minus the black dresses which never ever go out of awards style -- a certain color family was in. Something in the burgundy, fuschia, purples spectrum your next red carpet?

It's an homage to ___________ [Complete the Sentence in the comments]. You know you want to!