Three Questions for Nicole Kidman's Birthday

We went all out for Nicole Kidman's 50th birthday last year with 50 Appropriate Ways to Celebrate so this year on her 51st (happy birthday diva!) we'll keep it simpler.
Answer me these questions three in the comments:
- What's your favorite performance of hers that isn't from her legend-making 2001-2004 run (i.e. The Others-Moulin Rouge!-The Hours-Cold Mountain-Dogville-Birth what a genius run that was!)
- What single scene -- minus the opera seen in Birth --pops into your head the most when her name is invoked?
- What's a performance of hers that you haven't seen (she works so much you're surely missing something!) that you're most curious about?
and if you're on twitter go really crazy and do the 10 question meme