The Time Link Machine

The Now
Pajiba Joanna reveals 10 current tv characters she'd like to shag. Hear hear on #7 Ben Wyatt (Adam Scott on Parks and Recreation). Zoinks but I love him. And the show, too. One of those blessed TV shows that gets consistently stronger all the time, as if learning from itself rather than calcifying.
The Wrap Hugh Dancy takes the lead in Spree. I was wondering what had become of him outside of being on Claire Danes arm at awards shows.
Gold Derby Emmy categorizations. Chris Colfer (Glee) and Ed O'Neill (Modern Family) are going for supporting again despite the lead Comedy Actor category opening up a bit with the exit of Emmy slot hogs from Monk and Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Kenneth in the (212) turns us on to a Mark Ruffalo Guest DJ program
Scene Stealers ran a fun Thor hammer photoshop contest. See the amusing results.
The Future
My New Plaid Pants Jeremy Renner would like to play Steve McQueen in a movie but JA has a better idea: Rainer Werner Fassbinder. My feelings are Yes and Hell, Yes.
Boing Boing Omelette recipe printed on an egg. Oh Technology you clever clever scamp.
IndieWire Ed Burns is never going back to theatrical releases (via Tribeca Film Festival).
The Past
Towleroad Karl Lagerfied is the new Willy Wonka.
i09 Restored uncensored version of Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" is being published. Does this mean we'll get another film version.
The Awl, like Pajiba, is feeling the lusty month of may already. 111 Literary characters in order of Bangability. Ha. You'll never believe it but Mr. Darcy is NOT #1.
BET remembers Imitation of Life
Old Hollywood on affection for former lovers via Jeanne Moreau.
Stirred Straight Up With a Twist did you know that Joan Crawford was almost named Joan Arden.