Orange you glad it's my birthday?

For my birthday, Netflix gave me a whole new season of Orange is the New Black to binge-watch. Such a thoughtful gift! And you are all the beneficiaries.
yeah, obviously i can't do the laverne cox one
A reminder that, since there's no fighting the dominance of OITNB this week -- I felt so left out during House of Cards binge-watch week but that show is just not for me. I am Spacey Intolerant in large doses -- we'll be covering it on a one-off episode of "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" on Tuesday night. You're watching anyway, so pick a shot and write about it!
I'm burying the lede...
What are you giving me for my birthday?*
ME! ME! ME! This is the last time I'll ask for prezzies for at least a few months but please know that it's a full time job to offer you all this content each and every day 365 days a year and the occasional movie advertisements, particularly during Oscar season, only go so far towards expensives and a living wage. I realize that perhaps you think me greedy to ask for a cup of coffee per month and I remember in high school and college (the age of many readers as far as I can tell) sometimes it's hard to find two dimes to rub together so perhaps $1 a month is a better compromise? I'd only need 600 more of you to pay rent. New York City is a demanding bitch, sometimes.
If you don't want to be locked in to a monthly donation, consider a one time gift - like, oh, a penny for every time you looked at an Oscar chart over the past five years? If you are so poor that filmmakers would salivate over the opportunity to make a poverty porn Oscar bait biopic of your life, I expect no pennies. But please share and comment and tweet your love for your favorite articles which is another way to keep the site strong.
The Fundraising Plea has come to an end. This is that moment on NPR when it's safe to start listening again without guilt! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.