Oscar History
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Entries in Telluride (15)


Bakers Dozen Links: Don't Worry Darling, Funny Girl, Telluride, etc...

Vanity Fair checks in with Jane Fonda about her cancer diagnosis and general feeling these days
Gawker a rundown of all the Don't Worry Darling chaos from early rumors to bizarre press conference
Jezebel a funny review of Madonna's "50 Questions with Madonna" video
Coming Soon Have you always wanted to see Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman on the big screen? Here's your chance as Batman Returns gets a one day (?) rerelease on "Batman Day" Sept 17th

More after the jump including Lea Michele finally treading the boards at Funny Girl, Telluride Oscar contenders, Jason Momoa's shaved head, Jodie Turner-Smith's new role, and conservative meltdowns over the new Lord of the Rings series on Amazon...

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Complete the sentence(s) and luxuriate in the Isaac/Chastain vibe!

With fall festival season raging, we're curious what you're thinking out there. So let's have a comment party about the Oscar buzz by completing the following three sentences.

1. I know people at (Telluride or Venice) raved about ________  but I'm still doubtful about its awards chances because ___________.

2. I think ___________ is winning an Oscar but for  _________ the nomination will be the reward.

 3. That already famous video of Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac on the red carpet made me _______________ . 

Ready? Go. 


Reader Writes: Kris takes a trip to Telluride

We've been tinkering with the idea of a weekly or bi-weekly column where we hear some film talk from readers beyond just the comments section. So let's kick that off. Here's Kris Mascarenas to talk Telluride which just wrapped... - Editor

Long time reader, first time writer here reporting on Telluride Film Festival which wrapped up on Monday.   It was my second time at the festival, the first being in 2015 when Carol, Room, and Spotlight all premiered.  For the uninitiated, Telluride is located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. There is one road in and out of town and the moment you arrive, you can feel how truly special this town is.  It is a low-key festival with no paparazzi, and if you are lucky you can run into actors and directors while waiting in line for your morning coffee. 

I was on hand opening night for Judy but first there was a tribute to Renee Zellweger, and clips of her movie played (Chicago, Cold Mountain, Nurse Betty, and inexplicably... Miss Potter) before she was awarded the Silver Medallion...

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Oscar narratives being pushed out of Telluride & Venice

by Nathaniel R

Hmmm... let's see Joaquin Phoenix Joker and Adam Sandler Uncut Gems for Best Actor (blargh and double-blargh*), Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson for Marriage Story, A24's Waves for everything, Renee Zellweger's second Oscar for Judy, Christian Bale for Ford v Ferrari, Ad Astra for something or other (or will this go the First Man route of being wildly praised at its festival bow and then too "reserved" emotionally to actually catch on?) and... what else... what else.... Sure we missed something.  

It all feels dizzying right now since everything just began happening all at once, as is tradition this week of each year. The numbers of course don't add up. If you accept preemie buzz with no caveats about anything that happens after this week, we already have the Best Actor lineup (Phoenix, Driver, Sandler, Bale, and Banderas) and the supporting actor winner (Brad Pitt, OUATIH). But this is a small sampling of the movies and performances to come in the next few months of the year...

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Telluride 2018: World Premieres, Special Tributes, Oscar Dreams

by Nathaniel R

Kidman will be travelling a lot this week with Boy Erased and Destroyer both hitting Telluride and TIFF We don't attend Telluride and are morally opposed to it, in point of fact, since they actually charge the press (and not a cheap charge either) to glorify their name. Curiously the press happily oblige so it's the most elitist of all the festivals, essentially. Weirdly, though, it's not hated despite everybody being so up in arms about the elitism of Oscar season... remarkably some of the same folks who sing Telluride's praises also bitch at the Oscars for their elitism. Cognitive dissonance runs amok in today's world. 

Nevertheless Telluride have positioned themselves as an Oscar giant. Each year they convince filmmakers to forego glitzier world premieres at other major festivals like TIFF and Venice to play in the beautiful mountains to well-moneyed folk for a couple of days. The future Best Picture winner usually plays here even if it sometimes premieres elsewhere (often at Venice, if not here).

So here's their lineup this year with their world premieres in red, plus a note on curious omissions... 

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