Bakers Dozen Links: Don't Worry Darling, Funny Girl, Telluride, etc...

• Vanity Fair checks in with Jane Fonda about her cancer diagnosis and general feeling these days
• Gawker a rundown of all the Don't Worry Darling chaos from early rumors to bizarre press conference
• Jezebel a funny review of Madonna's "50 Questions with Madonna" video
• Coming Soon Have you always wanted to see Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman on the big screen? Here's your chance as Batman Returns gets a one day (?) rerelease on "Batman Day" Sept 17th
More after the jump including Lea Michele finally treading the boards at Funny Girl, Telluride Oscar contenders, Jason Momoa's shaved head, Jodie Turner-Smith's new role, and conservative meltdowns over the new Lord of the Rings series on Amazon...