15 Days Til Oscar ~ Supporting Oscar Chart Fun!

Have you voted on the polls yet? I feel like you haven't voted on the polls yet. Supporting Actress and Supporting Actor, in particular, have been bereft of your attention. While you're there check out the new "how'd they get nominated?" analysis on both of those categories
Did "Katniss" help Jennifer Lawrence win a nomination for "Rosalyn" and how much did "Plunging Necklines" factor into each of the American Hustle nominations? The percentages are cooked up in my very own science oven. They're 100% accurate!
16 Days - Irene Sharaff's 16 nominations
17 Days - Looking back at The English Patient, Sal Mineo... and 1917?
18 Days - Meryl Streep's 18th nomination
19 Days - Julianne Moore's awards history
20 Days - Flashback '93 Oscars: Age of Innocence, Farewell My Concubine, The Piano
21 Days - What's your favorite Billy Wilder?
Reader Comments (25)
Love the return of "How Were They Nominated?" Always a joy to read.
Nathan, brilliant charts! This is only my second Oscar season with TFE but your wit and sense of fun on this blog knock me out! When are YOU hosting the Oscars?
Supporting Actress is so tough this year. I voted for Lupita, but I would be very happy with a win by Sally, and Lawrence would be a formidable contender if she hadn't won last year. I wish Sarah Paulson, Emma Watson, or any number of other actresses would have broken through in the other two spots though.
Suzanne -- yeah, i think Jennifer would have it locked up if she had lost last year.
I voted for Sally because I adore her and I think she's great in the movie. I love her final scene with Cannavale throwing pizza slices at her.
Lawrence is a force of nature, and she's my favorite thing of AH. June Squibb was far better in her episode of Getting On and Roberts is misplaced and miscasted. I really really like Lupita too, but I fear an early Oscar may hurt her career. Should newcomers get an Oscar? I don't have a quick answer to that.
Huzzah! This is always a delight.
I voted for Sally Hawkins because I enjoyed her subtle and nuanced performance. She is the definition of a supporting role. Also, whereas most people talk about Happy-Go-Lucky, I remember her in Persuasion in which she was brilliant.
Before I saw Dallas Buyer's Club I thought Jared Leto was overrated, but after watching the film I can see what the fuss is about. Also my sister said to me half way through about Rayon, 'I really like her,' which is a massive compliment, as she has been a bit judgemental in the past. I voted for him.
I would love to see Sally Hawkins win this. Such a generous, nuanced performance from a very gifted actress.
"How Were They Nominated?" is great. My only question is, what does it mean when you put a co-star's name next to a percentage? Like, with Roberts it's:
3% Martindale
2% Nicholson
1% Lewis
Yes Roberts is in the wrong category but she is the best of the 5 for me,Lawrence is the one miscast imo not Roberts,i think she's too young to play "THE MOVIE STAR!" performance card,Lupita is grossly overrated the 2 big scenes she has shows her total lack of experience,opening your eyes wider every few scenes and crying well does not a performance make,we know nothing of this woam except what she endures,Squibb is a sqeals ure but the role is a little one note except for the final scenes,Sally is a solid nominee nothing more,i just wish Scar Jo in Don Jon or Paulson who gives the best supporting actress performance in her film or even Julianne Nicholson who is the real standout Iin AOC for making her role the most fully realised and touching her car scene and the scene before where she calls Brabara & Violet monsters seals it especially when most of the others bar Cooper and Robertsare slicing the ham too thickly.
mrripley - punctuation is your friend! ;) interesting take on Lupita but what pray tell could there be to her character other than what she endures given that she is a slave and has been her whole life and has no life of her own.
mike -- it's just a commentary on what contributed to the oscar love so in those cases they got help from their co-stars for how the performance was received
I've only seen hawkins, roberts and nyong'o and roberts was the best for me. hawkins didn't make a big impression (yes, maybe she makes it look effortless, but I didn't care for that), and nyong'o wasn't "the revelation!" to me that she was to other people (really, such a tiny performance). I think the 'role' percentage for her should be (a lot) higher.
This is one of my very favorite features. SO fun to see it again.
Where can we find the previous years' Flim Bitch Awards?
I'm still curious as to whether Nicole or Anne (or neither) won the Gold for Best Supporting Actress last year.
Of the nominees I'd pick Julia Roberts. The June Squibb character didn't work for me at all. Too bad because Nebraska was such a fine film otherwise.
I loved Hawkins when I saw the film and after seeing all the others, she still stands out as the most fully realized performance for me.
What if Sally gayhardens herself and wins?
someone -- they're in the sidebar to the left there's a pulldown menu of previous years. i'm working with a coding guy to make the charts more easily navigable for 2014. but for now that's how it its.
Ah, I see that Nicole won the Gold.
I was looking at the past FBAs, and I saw that Michelle Williams was a finalist for "Blue Valentine". Wasn't she a silver medalist once upon a time, or is my memory playing tricks on me? Do you periodically update your roster if you change your mind?
^ Perhaps Brokeback Mountain.
I just wish there were more background scenes with some dialogue about who she is,where she came from,why does she endure,does she have family like solomon,what did she do before the plantation,what are her real feelings for mister etc,so much to explore in patsy but left untouched,i think the character is totally fascinating and we are given torture after torture with no light for this poor girl!!!.
No ideas for the Oscar clips so far?
Abdi: I'm the captain now.
Cooper: laughing and imitating Louis C.K.'s sad face
Fassbender: I understand I've got a nigger that writes letters and tries to get white fellows to mail them. (Or does the N-word count as profanity?)
Hill: Nothing. His presence in the movie was already more than I could tolerate.
Leto: the scene with his father
Hawkins: trying to break the ice between Jasmine, Chili, and Chili's friend
Lawrence: Live And Let Die (Certainly DIE was what I was thinking when watching her "performance".)
Lupita: something from the whip scene
Squibb: coming down on the relatives
That would be Roberts clip too.
Someone -- i do not change the awards if i change my mind. They are set in stone, like time capsules, ala the Oscars. And yes i sometimes regret my decisions :)
peggysue -- wouldn't that be something thing to watch if people regularly 'gayhardened' themselves ?!?
Yay, the percentages are back! That was my reason for starting reading this site in the first place, so I'm glad it's finally back!!!