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It's All About the Shoes...

On Easter The Boyfriend and I had brunch with two of our favorite people and their daughters. Like so many other little girls (and boys), they love Disney Princess movies so I had to ask the eldest, who is suddenly chatty, which was her favorite? The question rendered her completely shy, like nobody had ever asked her to embrace her inner film critic (though I find this hard to believe since her dad is a huge movie buff and awesome enough to school me on occassion). I had given up hope of an answer, reverting my attention to the food when she shouted "CINDERELLA" at the top of her lungs over her waffles. "But why" I say? This answer came much more swiftly, like it was the silliest question any adult had ever asked her.

The glass slippers.

She didn't add "duh" but it was right there, loud and clear, in her squeal of laughter.



Contest: Win a Katharine Hepburn Bio

My reading habits are very schizophrenic. I won't read anything but blogs for a long time and then suddenly I'm a voracious reader. I blame "What You See in the Dark" which got me back into a fiction mood. I just finished "The World of Normal Boys" today (total page turner) and I may start the newest Katharine Hepburn bio. Who knows. I have so many actress bios that are sitting here unread. As many of you know (and are perplexed by) Hepburn is far from my favorite actress but I am as ever willing to try. 

I can't vouch for the book as I have not read it. Apparently Charlotte Chandler, known for writing bios about deceased celebs, sometimes gets flak for quotes that are contradictory of previous quotes from other biographies, auto and otherwise. But what can you do about celebrity:What life, in the telling, is not a mix of fiction and truth, even if the person doing the telling is the subject!?

Anyway, I have two copies to give away. To enter the contest, email me before Thursday night at filmexperience (at) gmail (dot) com with "Hepburn" as the subject line and include the following.

  • your name and address
  • your favorite Katharine Hepburn performance and why*

* I might quote you on this last part so be forewarned


April Showers: South Pacific

waterworks weeknights at 11

Tonight I thought we'd cover one of the most famous showers in entertainment history. It's not famous for the showering but for the singing. Raise your hands if you've ever sung this song in the shower.

I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair
I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair
I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair
and send him on his way.

Nellie talks herself out of love "before i go any further i better not get started."

It's so catchy it's like a commercial jingle. (Didn't it get coopted for actual commercial jingles at some point?) The strangest thing about the sequence in South Pacific (1958) is that it's not actually sung IN the shower. I had totally forgotten this. Maybe "Billis Bath Club" charged extra for singing? I mean even "use of soap" is an extra there, an extra 5¢.

No, constantly fretful Nellie Forbush (Mitzi Gaynor) actually waits until AFTER she's out of the shower to shampoo her hair. And to sing.

Isn't that nuts?

Early Don't Ask Don't Tell signage (?) and Mitzi's backwards shower activities after the jump.

Click to read more ...


Box Office: Easter For the Birds

Did you stay at home and color eggs, church it up, socialize, or hit the movies this weekend? Or maybe a little of all four? I did the latter two. I was a bit worried when I walked into an empty theater for Water for Elephants (but it did fill halfway up). Here's the top ten.

Easter Weekend Box Office

01 RIO $26.3 (cumulative $80.8)
The birds have now taken over for the bunny.
04 HOP $12.1 (cumulative $100.2)
05 SCREAM 4 $7.0 (cumulative $31.0)
06 AFRICAN CATS new $6.0
07 SOUL SURFER $5.4 (cumulative $28.5)
08 HANNA $5.2 (cumulative $31.7)
09 INSIDIOUS $5.2 (cumulative $44.0)
10 SOURCE CODE $5.0 (cumulative $44.6)

Obviously Tyler Perry will be making Madea movies till he's in the grave since people never stop showing up once he puts on those big dresses. The debut for Water for Elephants seems worrisome (truth: we always hope that epic period romances do well since like musicals they seem in short dead-genre supply) but they somehow kept their production costs way down so they'll be fine in the long haul. Movie budgets so rarely make visible sense on screen. This one only costs $38 million despite being a handsome period piece with wild animals and three stars? Meanwhile Black Swan costs half of that and looked downrright spectacular while some movies -- most movies actually -- cost more than $38 and they don't look as expensive. Guess it all depends on who the producers are handing the money to, right?

We don't like to neglect the films in limited release so let's check in on how films that have never been in wide are doing. That top five goes like so.

01 WIN WIN $1.1 (cumulative $6.6)
02 ATLAS SHRUGGED PT. 1 $.8 (cumulative $3.0)
Apparently if you savage this one in a review people get pissed. So given the 6% on Rotten Tomatoes there are a lot of pissed people out there. I totally believe this as my Dad is about as conservative as they come and worships Ayn Rand.
03 JANE EYRE $.7 (cumulative $7.8)
04 OF GODS AND MEN $.1 (cumulative $3.2)
05 I AM $.1 (cumulative $.5)

Sadly both Win Win and Jane Eyre which have been quite well received by arthouse auds probably won't expand that much further since they're both slowing down. One hopes that Jane Eyre will stick around until X-Men: Mutant Babies opens and some brave new Fassbender fans get curious. The highest per screen average went to Canada's Oscar nominated INCENDIES which nabbed $18,000ish from each of its screens. Alas, it was only on three screens.

What did you see?


Earth's Linkiest Heroes

Whedonesque okay so supposedly Joss Whedon started shooting The Avengers today. I've long said this movie will never happen so if cameras are actually rolling (do people still say that anymore with digital cameras?) and they don't stop production at some point unexpectaly I'll be totes wrong. And I'll be happy to be wrong (so long as the movie is good.)
Pajiba the ten movies people most lie about having seen when they haven't.
Movie|Line Stephanie Zacharek reveals the summer movies she's most looking forward to... even though she hates writing about trailers.
Acidemic remembered Jesus, via Franco Zefferilli, for Easter. I did such a bad job with Easter at the blog. I didn't even post a bunny picture. What's wrong with me? I'm normally such a holiday-friendly guy. Do you have a favorite Jesus portrayal from film or television?
Gold Derby looks at the possible Best Comedy Actress lineup at the Emmys. Did you know that The Lovely Laura Linney has never been defeated when nominated?
Coming Soon Johnny Depp to cameo in the 21 Jump Street movie.
FourFour writes about Lance Loud, now famous again post-humously due to HBO's Cinema Verite.
Us Magazine congratulations to TFE darling Toni Collette! She had a baby boy.

Just For Fun

My High School Boyfriend Was Gay have you seen this new humor site? Prom photos are the best for unintentional comedy. You woudn't believe mine but, no, I won't ever be sharing it.
The Awl on friendships with the unemployed.
Omaha I'm sharing this link about a tattoo artist just because of his following quote from the tattoo artist to your right on the rise of intricate realistic tattoos.

“You can put beautiful art on the body just as you can put beautiful art on the wall. I spent nine hours putting a tattoo of Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman on one guy.

Nobody loves La Pfeiffer more than me but I couldn't wear her face on my body for the rest of my days. Do any of you have tattoos? I'm squeamish about them but I'm always curious as to what motivates others to get them.