Hi, it’s Murtada. Despite “the world being in such turmoil”, I will take inspiration from my favorite awards speeches from actresses and get on with the job at hand. After setting up a monthly donation to the ACLU, and signing up to volunteer helping new immigrants, I’m ready with my “happy movie face”. First I will thank The Film Experience because when you leave it to the end, they play them “off with the music” or put them after the jump.
I'm thankful for….
- The Film Experience, its kind ringleader Nathaniel, its fantastic writers, its engaged readers and frequent commenters, a community, a breathing space, a respite.
And because “the world is round, people” let’s appreciate some amazing women for what they gave us this year, and while we're at it let's throw in “a few for the men as well”.
- the great big fuck you and “truth telling” Octavia Spencer gives to racists everywhere in Hidden Figures, for her warm, funny and compassionate performance.
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