Podcast: Lincoln, Pitch Perfect, and the Supporting Actress Oscar

Weeeeee're ba-aaack.
Katey and Joe attended the sneak Lincoln preview at the NYFF and lived to tell the cel-phone free tale. Nick forces yours truly, Nathaniel, into an aca-awkward confession and the only movie that everyone has seen is Pitch Perfect which is clearly 100% appropriate for an Oscar-focused podcast. Certain to sweep!
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Anna Kendrick being so over it in Pitch Perfect.
- Sally Field being over the top of it in Lincoln.
- Helen Hunt being on top of it (John Hawkes) in The Sessions.
- Nicole Kidman killing it in The Paperboy.
- Supporting Actress doubling up on it.
- Elle Fanning giggling through it for Ginger & Rosa
- Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Molly Ringwald (???) and More!
You can download the podcast on iTunes or listen to it right here. The more the merrier in this conversation so join in in the comments.