It's the last of the big three precursor nominee announcements this morning. Hot on the heels of the BFCA and the SAG announcement we have the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, more commonly known as the Golden Globes. Film and television stars Gerard Butler, Woody Harrelson, Rashida Jones and Sofia Vergara announced the nominees at 8:30 AM EST which went like so...
- The Descendants
- The Help
- Hugo
- The Ides of March
- Moneyball
- War Horse
For a split second when we reached five nominees I thought War Horse would be shut out and for once the Globes wouldn't stump for one of the big movies that was about to open, but nope. The Ides of March is the iffiest film here for an Oscar transfer given lukewarm reception but it's still possible. Especially since it's right in their wheelhouse.
Ryan Gosling drank the Clooney Koolaid in "Ides of March". So did the HFPA who gave Clooney 3 nominations and Gosling 2
- 50/50
- The Artist
- Bridesmaids
- Midnight in Paris
- My Week With Marilyn
People are wondering how Marilyn is a comedy. But, you know, Kenneth Branagh is very funny in it.
It's like teaching Urdu to a badger.
Plus it's got musical numbers so I think it qualifies for their split. The Artist probably has this in the bag but for the Globes willingness to surprise (i.e. far more than other groups)
- Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
- George Clooney, The Ides of March
- Michel Hazanavicus, The Artist
- Alexander Payne, The Descendants
- Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Sofia Vergara garbled cutely as she does. "Marine Scorsez" is quite the auteur! Expected list here but for Clooney who was an already a guaranteed show at the ceremony due to the Best Actor nom. The HFPA gets a lot of flack for star-fucking but some of their decisions can't really be explained that way. The star doesn't get to show up twice if you nominated them thusly, and you've cut off the opportunity for another star to show.
- Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs
- Viola Davis, The Help
- Rooney Mara, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
- Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
- Tilda Swinton, We Need To Talk About Kevin
People are going to love Mara as "Lisbeth Salander" in that movie so this isn't too much of a surprise. Plus there was room with Williams heading to Comedy/Musical. This omission hurts Kirsten Dunst's campaign. Her traction seemed to begin and end with the Cannes prize for Melancholia. Also shut out was Elizabeth Olsen for Martha Marcy May Marlene.
- Jodie Foster, Carnage
- Charlize Theron, Young Adult
- Kristen Wiig, Bridesmaids
- Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn
- Kate Winslet, Carnage
In perhaps the biggest surprise of the morning, Carnage snagged 40% of the Female Comedy honors though the film didn't garner a comedy film nod and having Foster and Winslet (who was already coming for Mildred Pierce) knocked out their opportunity to invite Cameron Diaz or somesuch. See what I mean about cock-blocking their own star-fucking?
I think they can mail this one to Michelle Williams.
more after the jump
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