5 Days Until Oscar Noms!

nom nom nom
Whenever someone uses the abbreviation "Oscar noms" it sounds like they're referring to snacks at a party.
— Scott Renshaw (@scottrenshaw) January 5, 2013
Scott Renshaw is right!
I have received edible swag in the mail before, generally in the form of chocolate or popcorn (though not, regret to inform, chocolate-flavored popcorn) but this is the first time cold cereal has arrived. And it's even the first time for movie-appropriate edible swag since Silver Linings Playbook has some choice Raisin Bran product placement in a key "not a date!" scene.
Each time when a tiny piece of FYC mail arrives in a matryoshka-style series of boxes within ginormous boxes, I weep for the trees that have been cut down to provide me with it. The Waste. The Waste.
So I did not waste the raisin bran. I owed it to the dead trees and to the landfills where all the unused detritus of swag the world over will eventually reside. I ate it.
This should no way be construed as an endorsement of Silver Linings Playbook, but it tasted good.