Silver Live-Blogging SAG Playbook (Arrivals)

6:22 Shall we begin?
6: 27 In this year of Past Favorites as Current Favorites -- so many previous statue-hoarding players in the mix -- I think it's wothing noting a bit of SAG history. Two of this year's Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Feature Film SAG Nominees were nominated at the very first SAG Awards for 1994: Helen Hunt won in the TV categories for Mad About You and Sally Field was up for Forrest Gump despite getting the ol' heave ho from Oscar voters who were otherwise totally GUMP HAPPENS! Except Mama Gump -- she don't happen!
6:44 Glee is STILL getting nominated? Mark Salling is addressing some sort of scandal/gossip that I am blissfully unaware of and shoos it away saying "I have a relationship with Jesus Christ"... Usually saying you have a relationship with a dude is not the way to stop gossip.
6:47 Lady Mary of Downton Abbey is showing major side boob and I am loving it.
6:56 I'm going to drink everytime someone claims they're tight with Jesus. #DrinkingGames #HolySpirits
7:00 Jessica Chastain is working a little side part, didn't want to go "too diva", doesn't know where to hide her jewelry, doesn't bother to hide her boobs.
MORE including Amanda Seyfried, Living Cartoon, after the jump