Oscar History
Film Bitch History

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12+ Nominations. An Elite Club Gets a New Member.

How many films have been nominated for 12 or more Oscars in their calendar year? Only 25 across the eighty-three years of Oscar history. The King's Speech is the latest initiate of this very exclusive bunch. The films, along with their number of noms/wins, in chronological order are...

  • Gone With the Wind (1939) -13/8
  • Mrs. Miniver (1942) -12/6  
  • The Song of Bernadette (1943) -12/4
  • Johnny Belinda (1948) -12/1
  • All About Eve (1950) -14/6
  • A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) -12/4
  • From Here To Eternity (1953) -13/8
  • On the Waterfront (1954) - 12/8 
  • Ben Hur (1959) -12/11  
  • My Fair Lady (1964) -12/8 
  • Becket (1964) - 12/1 
  • Mary Poppins (1964) -13/5
  • Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) -13/5
  • Reds (1981) -12/3
  • Dances With Wolves (1990) -12/7 
  • Schindler's List (1993) -12/7 
  • Forrest Gump (1994) -13/6 
  • The English Patient (1996) -12/9 
  • Titanic (1997) -14/11 
  • Shakespeare in Love (1998) -13/7
  • Gladiator (2000) -12/5 
  • The Lord of the Ring: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) -13/4
  • Chicago (2003) -13/6
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) -13/3
  • The King's Speech (2010) -12/???


Biggest Winner Among the Nom' Gobblers
nearly made a clean sweep, winning all its categories but Adapted Screenplay which went to the romantic drama Room at the Top instead. Ben-Hur is tied with Titanic and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King with most wins of all time... but curiously enough of the three-top Oscar earners only the fantasy epic made a clean sweep of it winning in every single one of its categories.

Biggest Loser Among the Nom' Gobblers:
Johnny Belinda which took home only one Oscar for best actress (Jane Wyman). Beckett also took home only one prize but it had a huge disadvantage in that 1964 was the most monotonous year ever nomination-wise with three (!) films clearing the obscene 12 nom hurdle. Most years don't even get one film that dominant. My Fair Lady and Mary Poppins in an infamous singing duel to the death devoured 13 Oscars between them. Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious!

But what you really want to know his how many of them won Best Picture, don'tcha? Well, I bolded them above so that's 15 of the 25... with 1 undetermined.

So let's do a pie chart...

God I love pie charts. And pies.
[Tangent: omg. I gotta start thinking about the Oscar party menu]

What does all this mean for The King's Speech?
Well, you'll be the judge of that in the comments, won't you? If you're just eyeballing those pie charts, and not really think about the particulars of this race , the likeliest scenario is that The King's Speech wins Best Picture and four to five other Oscars. But that seems like a lot, doesn't it? With a film as strong as The Social Network hanging around.

Before this rather shocking tally (seriously sound mixing, and cinematography???) most armchair and professional pundits assumed it was heading to only two sure wins: Actor & Screenplay with a lot of competition coming for its expected nominations in Costuming and Art Direction. But given the charts above -- not too mention the 12 nominations -- I'd say we underestimated its pull. Can it steal Best Picture from The Social Network? That would be Grand Theft Oscars.

Related Reading: Best Pictures From the Outside In
and current Oscar Race articles 



20:10 (An Irresistible Carrot)

Three years ago at the original blog, I created a series called 20:07 which became one of the most popular TFE features ever and spawned a slew of imitators 'round the web. Just for fun, let's resurrect that ol' pet for the remainder of Oscar season as we finish celebrating the films of 2010 before the new film year begins.

Screen capture: 20th minute and 10th second of Chris Nolan's Inception


Saito: Mr Cobb, how would you like to go home to America? To your children.

That Ken Watanabe (as Saito) is a sly fellow. He saves the juiciest dangling carrot for the moment he's about to lose the dream-hopper.


Link Man

E! whaaaaa. No way. Natalie Portman doing "Don't Tell Mama" from Cabaret ... as a teenager!
Serious Film Tilda Swinton as "the Anti-Streep"
Inside Movies another look at how Oscar ballot counting works. Every time it's explained it sounds more complicated than the time before. But it's cool that EW staged a mock nomination with readers.

Towleroad me sounding off about the Oscars again. I can't shut up. I'm Unstoppable. I'm nominated for best Sound Editing, bitch.
Cinema Blend
Saoirse Ronan joins The Hobbit (but the book supposedly has no female characters. I haven't read it since I was like 11 and it bored the shit out of me. But then, if it didn't have any female characters that's probs why.
Adrian's Film Music
listens to Alexander Desplat's The Ghost Writer
Gold Derby
more on the Burlesque snubbing in Best Song. I'm still so pissed about this. What I don't understand about the music branch's voting structure is why it's practically an invitation to sabotage potential nominees if you hate them. In what other Oscar category can you vote AGAINST a potential nominee? That voting system needs serious rethinking.

Montreal Gazette has a fairly well reasoned piece on the lack of people of color in this year's Oscar nominations. I was just discussing this on twitter. My basic feeling on this, though I realize it's not a popular one, is that the Academy is unfairly blamed for this year in and year out. Too many people view "The Academy" as interchangeable with "Hollywood". But in truth the Academy is a tiny minority of Hollywood reflecting Hollywood back at itself with some deep filtering (i.e. favoring dramas, message movies, biopics, period pieces,). When actors of any color get good roles in the types of movies that everyone understands Oscar will honor, then they end up fighting it out for nominations.

"It’s the role that wins the Oscar, not the actor."
-several smart people throughout time.

The problem lies in getting the roles in the first place. And that's where things gets complicated and worth arguing about. Too many great actors of color don't get the career opportunities their talent merits. But that's a different discussion than the Oscar nominations.

On a happier note to wrap up ~ the first Oscar Promo!





Strike a Pose, on the Croisette.

Jose here. If The King's Speech hasn't given you enough of socialite Wallis Simpson to last you for a while -- I personally thought Eve Best's performance was the best thing in the movie and she should be getting the praise HBC is getting. But that's a whole other matter. Back to our post -- all you have to do is remember that our beloved Madonna is making an entire movie about her.

The shooting has remained pretty secretive and other than a few pictures the paparazzi have snagged (like rising star Andre Riseborough as Simpson to your left), we don't really know what the thing's looking like.

Maybe we won't have to wait much longer. Madonna has decided she wants her film to be part of the Cannes Film Festival just a few months away. French newspaper Le Parisien is reporting that the pop icon plans to have her film included in the festival's official selection.
This won't be official until festival artistic director Thierry Fremaux announces the official selection in April, so will the Queen of Pop be able to have her way this time?

The first official screening will take place next month when Madonna presents her second feature film to private distributors in Berlin. 

Madge is no newbie to the Cannes Film Festival, just a few years back she presented her documentary I Am Because We Are, which didn't seem to make a huge impression but wasn't trashed either. She had more luck with the smash documentary Truth or Dare which made a huge international ruckus at Cannes in 1991.

Madonna at Cannes in 1991 and 2008

So we'll just have to wait and see how W.E. fares with the picky Cannes audience. Will New York icon and Jury President Robert de Niro feel swept away by this very American tale? Or will W.E. be too much Wallis, too soon?


Truth in Advertising. FYC Ads

I had a hankering for some truth-telling. Sometimes I wish all advertising would just tell it like it is. Wrap a golden lasso 'round all marketing departments and see what bursts forth. Herewith my (photoshopped) reinterpretation of two recent FYC ads: Roger Deakins who has yet to win and Oscar and Dame Helena Bonham Carter Burton:

What fun!

If only I had time to do this for every FYC ad. How do you think this year's nominees should be advertised?

P.S. This post was inspired by The Shiznit's  amusing slideshow of truth-in-advertising posters for this year's Best Picture nominees currently hosted by The Wrap since The Shiznit is down. Here are my two favorites from their photoshop fun: 127 Hours and Winter's Bone.


Though their takes on Toy Story 3 and Black Swan are also keepers.