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Take Three: Alice Braga

Craig here (from Dark Eye Socket) with Take Three. Today: Alice Braga

 Take One: Blindness (2008)

As per the José Saramago novel that Blindness is based on, no characters have names in the film, thus Braga is known only as ‘Woman with Dark Glasses’. (Julianne Moore is ‘Doctor’s Wife’; Danny Glover is ‘Man with Black Eye Patch’ etc.) She’s one of a gathering of randomly afflicted people who succumb to a mysterious blindness epidemic. All the cast, however big or small the role, collaboratively convey the exact amount of conviction in their roles. They remain true to their characters’ physical, psychological and emotional positions each step of the way. There’s a defiant ‘all in it together’ aspect, in which each actor instinctively plays off one another in rewarding ways, not least when it comes to Braga.

Two prominent scenes stand out. Both speak volumes about who WwDG is and include intimate exchanges with the two leading characters. The first sees her closeness with Mark Ruffalo’s Doctor take an urgently sensual turn in front of Moore’s seeing Doctor’s Wife (unbeknownst to them). The desperate connection conveyed in both her face and body language suggests a longed for yet sad release; the moment Doctor’s Wife consoles WwDG instead of Doctor is tender and unexpected – and both actresses excel. The second, much later scene sees her *spoiler alert* showering with Doctor’s Wife and First Blind Man's Wife (Yoshino Kimura) after they find their way back to civilised life at the end of the film. The togetherness they experience in this act is vital, joyous, and for WwDG and DW it’s a sensuous embracing of womanhood that, put alongside the above scene, tells us a lot about connection born out of despair. *end spoilers* It’s a lovely moment of closure for the characters, especially Braga’s. Again, she conveys more through her use of minimal expressiveness. It’s a subtle, impressive supporting performance deserving of some praise.

Take Two: City of God/Cidade de Deus (2002)

She’s the niece of cinema’s Lady Braga, Sonia (and her mother is actress Ana Braga), so it’s no wonder Alice here entered the acting arena: she debuted in 1998 with the short Trampolim, and then came a role in one of 2002’s most adored and impacting films, City of God. She’s Angélica, a local girl who falls for two friends: firstly Rocket/Buscapé (Alexandre Rodrigues), a photographer; and then Benny/Bené (Phellipe Haagensen), who’s involved in the drugs trade in violently troubled Rio de Janeiro. Her character arc is minimal, subdued in comparison to the main thrust of the narrative, but she makes each one of her scenes count with joyful vibrancy.

In her brief early appearances in the film – where she lazily hangs out on the beach with Rocket – she’s carefree yet all too aware of, and unaffected by, the criminal events within the city. But later on, leading up to one of the film’s key dramatic moments, she exerts her influence and very nearly gets Bené out of his crime loop with her insistence on them leaving the city to run a farm. A shot of Braga’s despondent face, as Bené moves away from her at his leaving party (and, sadly, toward his fate), works in melancholic opposition to the sunnier countenance she exhibited earlier, in the beach scenes. Her strobe-lit sobbing at the unfortunate turns events take is both disturbing and saddening. Braga’s knowing, brightly memorable turn is affecting enough despite being piecemeal. She justly deserved her supporting nomination for the Cinema Brazil Grand Prize.

Take Three: I Am Legend (2007)

We find out roughly two-thirds of the way in that Will Smith isn’t actually the last person on earth in I Am Legend when Braga, as Anna, pops her head through the smashed window of his crashed truck at South Street Seaport; she does, however, save him from becoming the latest person killed on earth via a horde of ill-conceived and unconvincing CGI vampzomsters, sorry, darkseekers. Anna and her son have followed his radio broadcasts in the hope of finding him and heading on up to Vermont to a maybe- fable survivor settlement.

Although Will Smith gives a heartfelt portrayal of Robert Neville, his character can be referenced in the original text, Richard Matheson’s source novel. Braga doesn’t have an identifiable correlative character, however. (Her equivalent character in the book is Ruth, an uninfected wanderer who Anna bares scant resemblance to.) She has to shoehorn Anna into the world that Francis Lawrence’s film chooses to half-replace the book with. In the many conversation-heavy scenes with Smith (he’s only had his dog and a city full of mannequins to talk to for years – he’s gonna wanna chat) she performs with flair. When he challenges her assumptions, she has an eloquent way of quietly facing off his ranting. And her calmness in the oncoming storm of apocalyptic pale-faced pixel-creatures makes for a nice balance with the fretful panic elsewhere in the film. She brings an unexpected composure and adds a touch of hopeful determination to the film. It’s all-round solid character work.

Three more films for the taking: Lower City (2005), Predators (2010), Repo Men (2010)


The Pot Calling the Kettle Bleech, or Hypocritical Cinema

Hello all! My name is Nick McCathy, and I’ve been a reader—and unfortunately infrequent commenter—of The Film Experience for roughly six years. Nathaniel recently introduced me here, and it's a pleasure to meet you all as well. I’ve written for The L Magazine, Boston Phoenix, Moviefone, and the Film Society of Lincoln Center Blog, and now I’m glad to find an occasional home here. I hope you find my credentials worthy, my spirit playful, and my addition to this palace of cinema and actressexuality that Nathaniel has built to be inspired.

In direct contrast to my introduction, I would like to start by celebrating a few celebrity birthdays, and congratulate them for continuing the tradition of living (well, except one of them).

Today, July 23rd, Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, turns 22. Potbellied, Oscar-winning master of schlub Phillip Seymour Hoffman turns 44. Potboiler-cum-masterpiece noir author (The Big Sleep, The Long Goodbye, and screenwriter (Oscar nominated for co-writing Double Indemnity and writing The Blue Dahlia), Raymond Chandler would have turned 123 today.

 And, most significantly, everyone’s favorite Hollywood pothead and two-time Oscar nominee, Woody Harrelson (you heard me right, Matthew McConaughey), turns the big 50 today. 

What’s your favorite performance by Mr. Woodrow Tracy Harrelson?

He has had, and continues to have, such a strange career; I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone had different answers. He's unsurprisingly awarded more for his dramatic work, which is very good, but I find his best comedic performance to be his gleefully sleazy, broken, and banged-up Roy Munson in Kingpin.


You can see two of these birthday boys in the movie theater this week: Radcliffe in a little film called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Deux and Woody Harrelson in Friends with Benefits (although I would proceed with caution since it's only an ugly gay-panic stereotype).

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Offline Travels, Michigan.

Just a heads up that I'm officially on vacation and maybe in an airplane as you read this. It's the mellow kind of vacay as I have no pennies to my name, which is good timing because i think my internet/cable is about to be shut off. Oopsie! (hey it was that or the air conditioning and I was melting!) I'll be (mostly) off line reconnecting with old friends and my siblings who I haven't seen in way way too long. Years.

Incidentally, though I will be in Michigan just as it's happening, it's mere coincidence that this is also the week of the Traverse City Film Festival. (I've never been but maybe they'll invite me as a special guest some year. winkwink.)

The festival was founded by Michael Moore and this year it's having its biggest year ever as it received a $20,000 grant from AMPAS which the board used to fly in various actors and filmmakers for a more robust festival experience. The wonderful French actress Sandrine Bonnaire (Rememeber Est-Ouest or Vagabond?) will be an honored guest, Matthew Modine is coming, and there's also going to be a centennial celebration for western stars Roy Rogers & Dale Evans with grandchildren speaking.

"Scout" will speakAnd get this, little "Scout" Academy Award nominee Mary Badham from To Kill a Mockingbird will speak to the festivalgoers after a special tribute screening of To Kill a Mockingbird. Damn, I wish I had known ahead of time. Have any of you midwestern readers ever been to this festival?

If you're in driving distance, why not check it out this week?

But back at home base...

It might be a quiet week at the blog / It might be a noisy one. I've left the TFE team in charge and a few new guests but I've opted out of the control freak position I normally take when I'm (mostly) offline. Whether there'll be 0 posts a day or 5 I could not say... it'll be a surprise to everyone! You like surprises, right?

I'll be back just as July ends and then we'll start gearing up for prestige film season in September. Whoooooo. We have so many plans. If we don't die of heat exhaustion first, we'll try and make them happen this fall.

xoxo, Nathaniel


First and Last, For the Dogs

First and Last now without visual clues and with audio.

Can you guess the movie from these two audio clues?

First and Last Dogs


Red Carpet: Crazy Stupid Pockets, Friends With Penis Dresses

Nathaniel: For this episode of Red Carpet Convos, I'm joined by our resident fashion-obsessive Jose and Guy Lodge of In Contention. We begin with a Lineup, culled from the premieres of Friends With Benefits, Horrible Bosses, and Captain America, respectively. This triple feature is now available at your local multiplex.‬

Emma Stone, Jennifer Aniston, Captain & Love Interest, Somebody

Guy: Oh, I see why you got me for this one
Jose: hehe I see Jen again
Nathaniel: Guy, I should admit right up front that I think Jen looks hot here and I mean that both ways.
 Jose: ‬ ‪is that thing made out of leather?‬
Nathaniel: ‬ ‪Right? IN THE SUMMER.‬
 Guy: ‬ ‪Ha! I like that, in playing her first real vamp character, she's committed to the cause off-camera‬
It's like something Angie would have worn back when she was still fun.
 Nathaniel: ‬ ‪Spoken like a totally biased member of Team Aniston. Grrrr! I'm sorry but the news told me that it's over 100˚ outside -- I'm pretending outside doesn't exist (curtains drawn, air conditioning at full blast) -- so i can't even deal looking at this.‬
 ‪Guy: ‬ ‪But it's short! At least her legs are breathing.‬
 ‬ ‪speaking of which, both Jen & Angie tend to do the same over and over when it comes to clothes, so I'm actually thrilled that this time Jen gave her standard look (black and mini) a slight twist‬
 ‪Guy: ‬ ‪That's a very good point -- and the hair looks a little choppier and more summery. (Sorry, this is getting stalker-y on my part)‬
 ‪Jose: ‬ ‪I still never will get dress pockets though, especially in such a tiny dress, does she have her whips and feathered handcuffs in there?‬
Nathaniel: ‬ ‪Or mash notes from Guy.‬ And a restraining order.

Guy: ‬ ‪I'm all for dress pockets. Why should guys get all the comfort?‬
 ‪Jose: ‬ ‪because we don't get to have fabulous bags * sad face *‬
 ‪Guy: ‬ ‪I like stars who go a little bit casual (but still chic) for premieres -- save the real glamour for awards season, otherwise we'll never know when it ends.‬
Nathaniel:‬ ‪Point: Guy. But I don't approve of pockets on anything unless they're holding treats inside for pets... or hungry fans.‬
 ‪Guy: ‬ ‪ ‪Anyway, at leat Jen's pockets aren't on the OUTSIDE of her dress. What's going on with Emma Stone?‬
 ‪Jose: ‬ ‪don't mess with Lanvin, Guy!‬
Nathaniel: ‬ ‪Her pockets are big enough to fit other starlets inside. If those are indeed pockets. I feel compelled to tell you that this is my least favorite color combination that has yet been invented.

Jose: ‬ ‪her dress makes me sad for two reasons‬.‬ ‪it's obviously from the collection where Juli got hers for January and i think they would've been MUCH better if they had switched them, apparently pale redheads dig crazy pink Lanvin? ‪I do think it's a fantastic, bold look though, a bit too old for Emma maybe, but I loooooove it‬

 ‪Guy: ‬ ‪I actually like the red-pink clashing and the mini-Alexis Carrington shoulders... but it'd look so nice and trim without the sewn-on clutch bags. (I realise she's going to see Horrible Bosses, but how many flasks does she need to carry with her?)‬
 ‬ ‪Actually she was at Friends With Benefits so back off. Flasks fully justified.
Guy: ‬
‪I'm glad she's a redhead again, though, even though she's a natural blonde, and even though I  usually criticise starlets for doing the reverse... it's all very confusing.‬
 ‬ ‪Yes.‬

Nathaniel: Moving on. Every time I try to think about what to say about Captain America and his love interest (Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell) I fall asleep.
 ‪Jose: ‬ ‪LOL‬. I resent that this Chris Evans person is trying to pretend he's all geeky and stuff now, every time I see him all Benjamin Button-ized in the trailer I want to kick his ass

 ‪Guy: ‬ ‪Is that Chris Evans? I didn't recognise him behind his cunning "look, I'm smart" disguise. And without his abs.‬
Is he going for a Clark Kent thing here or is he ready to let himself go since he's said that those grueling two hour workouts to look like a super soldier made him want to vomit daily?
 ‬ He's just being a drama queen. If I had those abs I would not bother with clothes EVER‬.

THERE'S MORE: Chris Evan abs (in motion), Ryan Gosling's perfection, Vanessa's unfortunate frock, Hayley Atwell's identity crisis and the über sexy cast of Crazy Stupid Love at their premiere AFTER THE JUMP.

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