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Oscar Live Blog. Hour #3 FINALE


10:52 We're almost done. And we'll be like that was so long!" and then next week we'll feel sad that it's so far away.

10:53 SNIFFLE. in memoriam. Sally Menke :( among other greats. But that one is so fresh and still sting because of such unexpected tragedy. I'm glad Celine is singing SMILE. I misheard that she was singing SHINE. oops. And i thought why does that non nominee get sung but not Cher's song? I love the song " STORMY WEATHER" so much.  And Lena Horne is awesome yes.

It's not the load that breaks you down. It's the way you carry it.
-Lena Horne.

Great quote.

11:03 sigh. DIRECTOR = TOM HOOPER. Where is Cate Blanchett to say "that's gross" Heh. Sorry. Tom Hooper has great hair.  "The triangle of man love" er... i think that was Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law plus TFE reader (see previous poll).

11:08. I've been neglecting the comments.

11:10 I was just telling an angry tweeter -- Fincher's loss will go down as a blight on Oscar -- that many great directors never won: Altman, Kubrick, Hitchock. The ones who don't make warm movies basically. It's like Directors are Actresses!



11:15 BEST ACTRESS. They're choosing good clips. Natalie's best scene in BLACK SWAN "he picked me mommy" Hearing Jeff Bridges say "michelle" freaked me out a little. You know why. and it's NATALIE PORTMAN who we knew it would be.

I feel bad for Annette Bening. I guess she's the new Deborah Kerr / Glenn Close / Julianne Moore. Great company to be in. And even though Natalie Portman wasn't my personal choice (I think Kidman was best this year) can we all agree that it's nice when people win for their best performance. So there's that. Congratulations, Nat!

11:21 Sandra Bullock and Jeff Bridges presenting these awards makes me happy for some reason. Maybe because they're both so damn likeable. BEST ACTOR COLIN FIRTH. Again people: why does everyone say that Oscar don't like to be told who to vote for. They so rarely vote against something that's won everything. All the acting winners have been the same all season.

11:28 I like Colin Firth a lot but he was just named Best Celebrity Neighbor as well. The King's Speech's hard sell is just SO irritating. And now it's going to win. The least ambitious of the five films.

11:35 BEYOND TACKY. Using The King's Speech speech as the voicevoer for the montage of ALL the nominees? So so tacky. And in Spielberg's preamble in which he mentioned "and the other nine will join the ranks of Raging Bull, Citizen Kane, etcetera"  he basically exccused them from voting for all the new classics each time. TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY TACKY. Best Picture = The King's Speech

11: 38 James Franco "Anne and I have had an amazing time tonight."

11:43 Credits rolling and such. My takeaway. I don't even care that great stuff lost so much as that they chose SPIELBERG to do Best Picture again. Christ on a cracker how is it that THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY has no imagination about this? They work in the imagination department. Would it kill them to let a legendary actress do it once in awhile and not just the rotation of Spielberg/Hanks/Streisand/Nicholson. This almost makes me angrier than lame wins on account of it's such an easy fix. Less fixable is the taste level of the Academy voters.

11:46 One thing I forgot to mention. If only Anne Hathaway's penultimate dress had been a little less dark blue and a little more light turqouise it woulda totally been a tribute to Madonna's Ray of Light cover.

11:47 Okay. Another Year. The 83rd Oscars are now part of history.

11:49 To all the "losers"... It's not the load. It's the way you carry it. Remember your awesomeness.


COME BACK TOMORROW FOR MORE REACTIONS. We'll try to get going by Noon.


Oscar Live Blog. Hour #2


9:39 HUGH JACKMAN + NICOLE KIDMAN. We've gone to "Far Away Downs" again in Australia. It's a music in the movies tribute. I guess this means Score is coming up.

9:43 ORIGINAL SCORE = THE SOCIAL NETWORK. Ohmygod. What a nice surprise. Though this means that Alexander Desplat joins Roger Deakins in the Great Hall of Giants Without An Oscar. The company is excellent in the room so I'm sure it's all good.


So what do we have now? Inception: 3, Social Network & Fighter: 2, Toy Story 3, Alice, & The King's Speech: 1? 

9:57 Cate Blanchett presents MAKEUP to The Wolfman. Says "that's gross" about the clip. HA! This is silly though. Rick Baker already won for one werewolf movie. Did he need two for those effects? Also London features naked David Naughton and The Wolfman features clothed Benicio so. it's simple math: American Werewolf > Wolfman. The End.

10:02 COSTUME DESIGN = EYESORE IN WONDERLAND. The Academy proves my theory yet again: Collen Atwood and Sandy Powell, their two favorite designers only win when they're nominated against each other. And they're still tied. Also: They drowned Atwood out with the music which is fine because she was READING HER SPEECH. Anathema to awards show drama. In my opinion, if you read your speech a trapdoor should open up and swallow you whole.



10:05 Randy Newman performed the latest song he wrote in 4 minutes for 4 minutes (symmetry!). And now Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi are performing. Though I know it would have been Theme Parky, I woulda loved to see them in character garb. They coulda headed over to DisneyLand for a late shift right after the performance. 

10:07 So... "I SEE THE LIGHT." Just not the same without the lanterns.

10:11 Jake Gyllenhaal & Amy Adams. Both looking spiffy. BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT = STRANGERS NO MORE. well, i didn't get every prediction wrong. ;)  

10:19 I somehow disappeared. MidCeremony Lull? Hathaway's silver gown shimmy was like a couture alarm clock. 

Wow. My worst prediction year ever. Yay me. Oh, something I meant to say about two of our recent presenters. EXAMPLE A: Some actresses are recognized in the now. EXAMPLE B: Others actresses have to wait it out.

Yes I know that Marisa Tomei has an Oscar. But many people thought it was a fluke and she is an exceptional actor. Go Marisa. Here's to her unexpected (to most) longevity.

10:30 BOB HOPE TRIBUTE. It's been going on for awhile. Oh but now SHERLOCK and DR WATSON. They present the award to VISUAL EFFECTS = INCEPTION. of course. But more importantly... Jude Law & Robert Downey Jr. doing their chemistry banter. prepping us for Bromance #2 in Sherlock Holmes Sequel

10:36 EDITING = THE SOCIAL NETWORK. You know what's weird? I've interviewed other Oscar winners / nominees in the past and nominees but for some reason, talking to these two was really cool. I mean I authentically respect what they did for that movie and what editors in general have to do. Even if I didn't think it deserved Best Picture, I would have given it Best Editing.

Quickest turnaround between effort and award ever. And he's complaining #TheNerveOfSomePeople


and now...  HOUR 3 the finale! 



Oscar Live Blog. Hour #1


8:31 WOW. Killer Montage You know it worked because I wanted to watch every Best Picture nominee again and I was so sick of all 10, five minutes ago.

8:34 "I loved you in Tron" So far the show is highlarious. Morgan Freeman awesome cameo combined with self-deprecating humor "soothing voiced narrator". And Anne even made a Black Swan joke funny and Black Swan jokes are so mid-January 2011.

8:41 GONE WITH THE WIND shout out. Classy. Although very WTF random. I'm not liking where this is going with the Cinematography + Art Direction = Best Picture. Eyesore in Wonderland wins. It's all uphill from here. Cinematography = Inception. Sorry Roger Deakins. You'll have to wait for #10.

8:51 Kirk Douglas. Wow Old Hollywood shout out. Take that 2009 Oscars!

8:52 Oh this is sweet. Kirk Douglas said James Franco looks better outside the cave. To Anne Hathaway "Where were you when I was making pictures?" SUPPORTING ACTRESS (I'M SO NERVOUS) MELISSA LEO. She used the naughty "F" Word. I'm glad they didn't play her off the stage. Kirk Douglas was SO fun.



9:01 "It's the young and hip Oscars" Anne Hathaway responding to Melissa Leo's F Bomb. hee.

9:02 BANKSY'S IDENTITY REVEALED: Justin Timberlake. Although I am so grossed out that they just reminded us that Shrek (2001) won the first animated feature Oscar.

9:04 ANIMATED SHORT = The Lost Thing. I'm doing T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E on my predictions but I never care about that. I just wanna love the movies. ANIMATED FEATURE = Toy Story 3. I feel like a lot of people won't udnerstand why Lee Unkrich was so "i can't believe this" It's because he's one of the only Pixar people who didn't have an Oscar.

9:14 ADAPTED SCREENPLAY = THE SOCIAL NETWORK. So... seeing Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin in white tuxedos totally shocked me. It's a rare sight. Paddy Chayevsky "NETWORK (1976)" shout out. Nice.

9:15 BTW I think it's excellent that Anne Hathaway is hosting on a night where they're referencing Old Hollywood and Classic Films. She gets it. One of the few young stars who does. Nice presentation of the Screenplays with the changes..ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY= THE KINGS SPEECH.

9:23 A tradition of singing" Anne Hathaway. Bring it girl. ♪ ♫ On My Own cuz someone is Hugh JackAss. ♪ ♫ Can we give her the Emmy right now. James Franco in drag.



9:24 Russell Brand misinterpreting Helen Mirren's French. Did they fire Bruce Vilanche? Some of this presenter banter is actually funny.

9:28 FOREIGN FILM = Susanne Bier's IN A BETTER WORLD. I love this woman. Though I haven't seen this film yet.

His beard looks like one of those fake ones that people wear that loop around the ears. It's so... round. Like a dangerous redheaded Santa Claus. But the best comment on this came from Scott Feinberg on twitter.

Good one.

okay. on to HOUR 2 - mid ceremony! 



Oscar Arrivals. *LiveBlog*


5:45 Inauspicious begins. Joan Rivers started my night off joking that she and Annette Bening should do a Thelma & Louise together as Oscar losers.

6:03 The "good" folks at E! (and the quotation marks are necessary) would like you to know that Jennifer Lawrence set the bar too high for those that follow. I imagine that some people will be wowed by the silhouette but if basic red is setting the bar too high this is going to be a dull fashion night.



6:15 Armie Hammer calls David Fincher "The Emperor of the Set". Hopefully he'll be emperor of the Oscars. On working with Clint Eastwood for J. Edgar "It's the polar opposite of working with David Fincher." 1 take versus 100. I'd think so.

6:21 Josh Hutcherson was talking to Ryan Seacrest earlier about how much he loves Christian Bale "He goes hard." was the phrase. Wait, did he use The King's Speech set too. sorry.

6:22 Ryan literally just said "Here we are peering in Michelle Williams car"  UM, PERV!

6:27 They're interviewing Mila Kunis like she's a nominee. I guess that's what you get when you're even hotter than bar-setting Jennifer Lawrence.

<--- 6:38 Reason #14 why Mandy Moore is never going to win an Oscar. They asked her how hard she prepared for her performance tonight and she's like totally casz, like,  'um. not much really. We just came and ran through it a few times.'

Oh Mandy. They have to see you sweat. EXERT. See also: Natalie Portman.

Zachary Levi -- her Tangled partner (I love that movie, don't you?) -- says "I Feel Great. I've been excited for months now." Are you supposed to see a doctor if it lasts longer than 4 hours?

blue live blogging apparently tonight. I blame those King's Speech sets.

6:42 Amy Adams just said that "feistiness" is not hard for her to act. What do we think of her look? It's so modest. But still it's sparkly. Feisty Mormon Housewife Going to a Glitzy Event?

 6:52 Seacrest just called Mark Ruffalo's wife "Summer". Um... her name is "Sunrise." To her credit she didn't flinch and just answered the question.

7:00 Cate Blanchett's dress



7:02 I'm so weirded out that Kevin Spacey is using THE SOCIAL NETWORK to talk about "finding your voice" I agree with the gist of what he's saying but you can't steal THE KING'S SPEECH narrative this late in the game. Votes are in.

7:11 Justin Timberlake is talking about the film speaking to his generation. Again. A bit late for this campaigning. But I hadn't really thought about the problems for a musician to be playing Sean Parker. Conflict of (financial) interest. This is way too deep for a Seacrest conversation.

7:14 The E! reporters on Marisa Tomei "You just never know what you're going to get from her."

I beg to differ: Great Performances. General Awesomeness. I Expect. She Delivers.

7:16 I have a headache. Who should I blame? Which star has been obnoxious? Who?

Helena Bonham Carter is wearing COLLEEN ATWOOD. Synergy! Oscar Nominees Dressing Oscar Nominees. Love it Love it Love it... the synergy at least. Haven't seen the whole dress yet. Though I like

Helena is the bomb. Lucy Honeychurch has come a long way. Although speaking of fashion. She promised "a catastrophe" and the bodice is not hideous enough to make worst dressed lists.

7:26 ohno. Celine Dion is doing the In Memoriam Popular Dead People segment.

7:30 Hugh Jackman says

"Protein me up. Whatever I can get... I'm on the Ryan Seacrest diet."

No Comment. (Too easy.)

That's really what he said.

7:35 Truth: I usually think Hilary Swank looks great (red carpet wise) but I hate the top of the dress. [Heidi Klum Voice]  "it looks cheap, non?"

7:41 Gwyneth is totally flat ironed. Confession: flat ironed hair makes me crazy hot.

7:48 I thought Mark Wahlberg's wife was actually Sarah Jessica Parker for a second. Oopsie. haha. FIGHTER & THE CITY. He just said he was hoping for an upset but not in the supporting categories! he quickly added.  DON'T JINX IT, MARK.

7:54 I asked my tweeps who ScarJo's date was? His name is apparently "Hot Yummy" Were his parents hippies or something? 

8:00 Okay I hadn't seen Natalie Portman until now. The masses are correct. She looks amazing. That color is so perfect for her brown eyes. Yummy. She just called Darren Aronofsky "The Bees Knees" 

8:06 Tim Gunn just called JustinTimberlake a "color theorist" They better not steal my COLOROGY. True Story: My first Fourth of July in New York I got drunk and discussed the colorogy of  fireworks with a lesbian I met at a friend's party. And then we made out.


TIM GUNN: If you could sing a duet with anyone in the world who would it be?

GWYNETH PALTROW: Jay-Z He is amazing. He's a genius. I am his biggest fan.

8:15 Something is beeping in our apartment and we CANNOT figure out what it is. The Boyfriend says "Is one of your Oscar screeners about to explode? You have 14 minutes left to watch this disc." LOL

8:20 Okay time to start a new post. But first one last poll. Natalie from the Critics Choice, Globes, SAG, Spirit and Oscar night.





Best Picture Title Cards

♪ Tradition.... TRADITION.
This is beautiful even if 65% of the movies were undeserving of the Best Picture of the Year title. [via]

We'll undoubtedly be adding The King's Speech to this tonight, though we know which movie* is really deserving. You can vote for it at the Best Picture chart.

*whichever you want it 2 B -- opinions are magic that way!