How Had I Never Seen..."Blue Sky"?

by Nick Taylor
If you had approached me on the street and asked if I was a Jessica Lange fan, I would have answered with an emphatic “duh!” But since you clicked on this link, I'm coming to you through your screen to tell you this informatioin. Having originally met Lange in high school via the actress-heavy ordeal that is American Horror Story, watching her communicate an actual character amidst so much lurid, proudly threadbare plotting was revelatory to witness. Lange served Ryan Murphy’s baroque and sentimental grotesqueries with leonine force. Even as subsequent seasons leaned too heavily on her characters as pillars to be toppled, and it became all too easy to project Lange’s distaste towards her surroundings into her vainglorious Supreme and dissatisfied ringleader, she gives a hell of a good show, finding ways to keep herself amused and visibly gratified (or maybe relieved) to play off her talented co-stars. I haven’t touched the show in years, and still I can remember her broken line reading of “in the gloaming” as she stumbles through a crowd of patients in Asylum, her bitchy, hilarious refusal to act like she’s invading anyone’s space when she saunters through the Murder House despite no longer owning it.
On the strength of this output I quickly searched for her star-making performances in Frances and Tootsie, which further cemented my impression of her as a supernova capable of great versatility. I’ve seen plenty of other films she’s starred in, yet as her 75th birthday approached, I realized there was a major blind spot I needed to correct. How on Earth have I not seen any of Jessica Lange’s post-1982 Oscar nominations? I’ve spent the past week pouring over those features, and though Country and Sweet Dreams are perhaps in greater need of reappraisal, I’ve found pouring over Blue Sky to be the most rewarding, and the most fun to try pinning down. So, without further ado - Happy 75th Birthday, Jessica Lange...