Ranking the Oscar Clips

by Ben Miller
Of all the decisions the Academy Awards producers/directors must make, the Oscar clip decisions are surely the most covetous -- who among us wouldn't want to chose? They're fairly crucial, too. I ranked all the clips last year, and Nathaniel was nice enough to let me do it again. The clips preceding each of the categories ranged from brilliant to “what the hell was that?” Let’s rank them 20-1…
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at aaaaaaallllllll 🎵
20. Viggo Mortensen, Green Book
19. Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
Woo boy. I would personally defend the work of both of these performances, but the snippets shown on Sunday did not lend any firepower to those arguments. Viggo gets to wax on like an idiot about not knowing the difference between Russian and German before laying on some casual racism. Malek has plenty of good moments in the Queen biopic, but a simple shot of him lipsyncing reads like an Oscar producer’s opinion on the performance itself seeping through.
Not Doing Anyone Any Favors...