Tammy Teaser

Can we redo the "We Can't Wait 2014" list and put Tammy way the hell up there? Here's the teaser. The business with the spoon. I died.
P.S. I know that Susan Sarandon (unseen here) is the co-star but due to the music choice, I convinced myself for a milisecond that La Pfeiffer would appear to ask Melissa McCarthy "you wanna tell me what this is all about?"
icymi in the "We Can't Wait" series we named these 2014 titles as the one's we're most gagging for:
01 Carol (TBA) 02 The Grand Budapest Hotel (March) 03 Foxcatcher (TBA)
04 Under the Skin (April) 05 Inherent Vice (TBA) 06 Into the Woods (X-Mas)
07 Snowpiercer (TBA) 08 Nymphomaniac (March) 09 Boyhood (May)
10 Big Eyes (TBA) 11 The Last 5 Years (TBA) 12 Gone Girl (Oct)
13 Can a Song Save Your Life (TBA) 14 Veronica Mars (March) Runners Up