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Female Performance Heaven Across Mediums

Our Year in Review is doubling up now, two "best of" lists a daily to wrap up. This afternoon Matthew Eng exercizes his actressexuality.

Here are 25 scenes, songs, shots, reactions, line-readings, gestures, and whatnot that have stuck with me the longest from some — but not all — of my favorite female performances across film, television, music, and theater this year. Remember these? They are... in alphabetical order:

01 Kate Beckinsale and Chloë Sevigny’s bravura comic badinage is the main engine driving Love & Friendship, which only ever threatens to turn softhearted when these two catty soulmates are finally forced to part. Beckinsale and Sevigny carefully modulate their straight-faced hauteur during this fond farewell, but refuse to let even an ounce of sentimentality disrupt their regal self-possession. It’s one final, triumphant occasion for game to recognize game.

02 “Value,” the sixth episode of Donald Glover’s extraordinary first season of Atlanta, opens with an extended showcase scene of friendly rivalry between the luminous Zazie Beetz (as long-suffering public school teacher Van) and one-episode wonder Aubin Wise (as her childhood pal, now an “Instagram escort”). Both actresses tear into the scene with a comical trenchancy that scores its necessary laughs but also establishes a layered and fleetingly poignant background of affectionately-waged one-upmanship.

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George Michael (RIP)

As a general rule of thumb, we love list-making and recapping of the year's significant moments and events but the exception is the work of the grim reaper. Death has claimed so many icons recently, particularly from the music world, that 2016 is starting to feel like a parody of its apocalyptic self as we reach its conclusion.

On Christmas day, of all days considering that one of his most enduring hits is "Last Christmas," George Michael was taken from us. Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou (better known as George Michael) was born in East Finchley London in 1963. By the age of 19 he'd charted his first hit with his friend Andrew Ridgeley (the other half of Wham!) called "Young Guns (Go for It!)". Two years later he was world famous by way of the global smash "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go." Which is when little Nathaniel first fell in love. But that initial fame wasn't the half of it. In fact the early hits I loved so much only hinted at the artist he'd become. He proved himself one of the great pop singers and composers over and over again. "Listen Without Prejudice Vol. I," released in 1990 is surely his masterpiece (and one of the greatest pop albums ever recorded) but he continued to be brilliant even when record contract troubles and personal problems overshadowed his talent with the public. His career had been quiet for some time but it's worth noting that he made one last significant contribution to pop culture that people don't regularly attribute to him -- he was the first star to sing with James Corden whilst driving around in a car back in 2011 which eventually became the ubiquitous "Carpool Karaoke" series of the here and now. 

Given his death this weekend, the lyrics and defiance of one of his very last records "White Light" (recorded in 2012 and inspired by his near death in 2011) are suddenly so much sadder.

There is no white light
and I'm not through
I'm alive I'm alive
and I've got so much more that I want to do.

Was it music or science that saved me? 

After the jump 16 favorite songs from his career...

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10th Anniversary: Children of Men

David here on the tenth anniversary of a modern masterpiece...

Watching Children of Men at the end of this particular year is an almost surreal experience, because P.D. James’s dystopian vision of the world seems even more feasible than ever. It’s hard to not feel like the new president elect is leading us to a world like the one we glimpse on the video screens, where all cities the world over have been devastated by riot and ruin. It’s hard to not see the xenophobia of the Brexit referendum result in the end of the same video, which declares ‘Only Britain Soldiers On’, as if there’s some value to be had in a country that cages immigrants on train platforms and allows the privileged white man to shut himself off in glacial towers. “You know what it is, Theo?” says Danny Huston’s government minister of his cousin (Clive Owen), when asked how he lives contentedly shut off from the devolution outside. “I just don’t think about it."

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336 Films Eligible for the Oscar Race

Oopsie. In the Holiday rush we forgot to share one of the most important lists, the list of which films can be nominated for Oscars (in regular categories -- speciality categories like "best foreign language film" having their own rules). Every year the list is a wee bit odd if you really take a deep dive at it because it's filled with movies you haven't heard of as well as missing a few movies you have. Why is that? Because the list is made up of films which met two requirements.

1) Each film played for a week long engagement in Los Angeles that you could buy tickets to like you would any movie (i.e. not a festival engagement alone) and...
2) Films which did that and then ALSO submitted paperwork to the Academy to be eligible.

The most important film that is missing this year (apparently due to requirement #2) is acclaimed Aquarius starring Sonia Braga. Of films I personally saw in movie theaters or noted when they came out in movie theaters that weren't submitted the list is mostly foreign and indie though there are strange cases where wide releases didn't submit either. Another section of films that's often missing from these lists are films which were submitted for Oscar's foreign race the year prior but were not nominated and then released in the current calendar year when they theoretically would be eligible for any category BUT foreign film according to Oscar rules. ANYWAY. Of those missing films that could have been eligible there's no: Bang Gang: A Love Story, Best Worst Thing That Ever HappenedEl ClanEl Club , The Family FangGlasslandGods of Egypt, Lazy Eye, Morris From America (which got a Spirit nomination for Craig Robinson), Transpecos, and Under the Shadow and so on. The full eligible list is after the jump...

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Happy Christmas. How's Your December Going? 

May you get the gift you want the most tomorrow or today (depending on when you're reading this)! Or in the next week. Don't rush Santa. Since the next two months we'll be jampacked with awards festivities televised and otherwise -- and the Film Bitch Awards comin' up real soon and daily -- there will be precious little time to recap. So herewith an ICYMI roundup so that Team Experience can take a 24 hour break for gifting and egg-noggy boozing before we're back to the holiday-movie-Oscar-buzzing-year- in-review madness. If you've only recently been tuning in for awardage and are catching up with the year's movies frantically and wanting to read about them, catch up!

Don't Miss These Dozen Baked December Goodies
Jessica Chastain - an interview with Miss Sloane herself
Golden Globe Gaiety - imaginary parties with the nominees
La La Land Fact - It's an absolute rarity 
Where is Kyra? - and how should we celebrate La Pfeiffer's return?
The Wolf Man (1941) - all movie werewolves are in its debt
The Ladies Who Lush - cheers to these wine-loving ladies
Rogue One - reviewed
Edward Scissorhands (1990) - a Christmas classic
Yes No Maybe So - Spider-Man: Homecoming AGAIN?!?
Asghar Farhadi Returns - an Oscar finalist again for The Salesman 
Avocado's Hate-F***ing Other Avocados - aka the Makeup Oscar finalists 
Florence Foster's Aesthetic -from ersatz Valhallas to potato salad bathtubs

Happy Holidays from Ava Gardner and The Film Experience!

Newish or Brand New in theaters but some we wrote about long ago in case you're like "what about..." Jackie, La La LandFences, 20th Century Women, Lion, Julieta, Neruda, Toni Erdmann, and Live by Night

Highlights from Previous Months
Jan | 88th Oscars | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | November