Oscar Volleys: Best Supporting Actress is a Disappointment

The Oscar Volleys are back for some post-nomination talks. Tonight, Nathaniel Rogers and Cláudio Alves discuss Best Supporting Actress...
A COMPLETE UNKNOWN | © Searchlight Pictures
NATHANIEL: Cláudio it falls on us to discuss Supporting Actress. I thought it only fitting that we approach this as a callback to Supporting Actress Smackdowns of the past, and start the hype by discussing their character's introductions. But I could only remember two of them so there goes that idea. I'm beginning this way so as to not bury the lede: I REALLY don't like the category this year. I would not have been tempted to nominate a single one of these performances even though I like three of them just fine. The fact that I've already forgotten how they're introduced in the context of their films reinforces the mediocrity of the chosen five. To dispel this immediate negativity (sorry sorry) let's just say that I felt like one of the extras in A Complete Unknown in the sequence where we meet Joan Baez. Had I been in that cafe I, too, would have fallen silent utterly bewitched by stage presence and voice. The film doesn't make much room for Baez/Barbaro thereafter but what a voice!
Did you love any of their introduction scenes? Or, alternately if you also feel the category is weak, were you excited by any of their introductions in terms of anticipation as to what that character and that actress might bring to the rest of the film?
CLÁUDIO: Oh, how I wish I could come in as a contrarian and sing the praises of this lineup. Sadly, that would be dishonest and we're all about truth-tellin’…