18 days till Oscar

by Nathaniel R
18 is today's magic number. Everyone knows that Oscar's acting branch sometimes takes a shine to little kids for acting nominations (almost always it requires a Best Picture nomination for the movie that houses them) but how often do they nominate kids who've just become adults? Not too often! There have only been three 18 year olds who've ever been nominated* and curiously none were in Best Picture nominees. Still, all of them gave unforgettable performances and the latter two could have easily be argued as "shoulda wons" in their year. They are...
• Mariel Hemingway in Manhattan (1979), Best Supporting Actress
• River Phoenix in Running on Empty (1988), Best "Supporting" Actor
• Juliette Lews in Cape Fear (1991), Best Supporting Actress
Fact: No 18 year-olds have ever been nominated in either lead acting category.
* It's possible we missed an 18 year old in Supporting Actress (though we could only think of 19 and 20 year olds like Angela Lansbury and Saoirse Ronan beyond the 16 and under famous inclusions) since it's the category that is most favourable to teenage nominees and most trivia and articles list don't go beyond age 15 or 16 in that category. If we did we trust you'll tell us who in the comments.