Podcast: Those Polarizing Wolves on Wall St.

Nick and Joe rejoin Nathaniel & Katey this week to talk about Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street. In the endless twitter battle over whether Wolf condemns or celebrates Jordan Belfort, several interesting questions have been swept aside or glossed over: does it earn its running time?; is Leonardo DiCaprio great or just better than he's been recently?; is Margot Robbie amazing or just sexy; "is it even well made?" Nick wonders, challenging its fans to name even three interesting shots. The gauntlet is thrown down!
Other (brief) topics / shoutouts include the WGA Nominations (Lone Survivor?), Philomena, and why American Hustle & WoWS lovers can't just get along.
Shea Wigham's Amazing 2013: American Hustle, Wolf of Wall Street, Boardwalk Empire, and Fast and Furious 6
Can't we all just get along? If only for Shea Wigham's sake!
Referenced Articles:
- Richard Brody's Wolf review
- Joe Reid on the aggressive defense of the Wolf camp
- Wesley Morris on August: Osage County
- Nathaniel & Katey on Frozen
Listen right here or download it on iTunes and join the conversation. Next Weekend: one last pre-nomination discussion.